Applications Issued, Determined and Lodged

This page contains a list of Development Applications that have been received and determined and Building Approvals lists. 


Building Permits Issued 13.12.24 - 19.12.24
Building Permits Issued 06.12.24 - 12.12.24
Building Permits Issued 29.11.24 - 05.12.24
Building Permits Issued 22.11.24 - 28.11.24
Building Permits Issued 15.11.24 - 21.11.24
Building Permits Issued 08.11.24 - 14.11.24
Building Permits Issued 01.11.24 - 07.11.24
Building Permits Issued 25.10.24 - 31.10.24
Building Permits Issued 18.10.24 - 24.10.24
Building Permits Issued 11.10.24 - 17.10.24
Building Permits Issued 04.10.24 - 10.10.24
Building Permits Issued 27.09.24 - 03.10.24
Building Permits Issued 20.09.24 - 26.09.24
Building Permits Issued 13.09.24 - 19.09.24
Building Permits Issued 06.09.24 - 12.09.24
Building Permits Issued 30.08.24 - 05.09.24
Building Permits Issued 23.08.24 - 29.08.23
Building Permits Issued 16.08.24 - 22.08.24
Building Permits Issued 09.08.24 - 15.08.24
Building Permits Issued 02.08.24 - 08.08.24
Building Permits Issued 26.07.24 - 01.08.24
Building Permits Issued 19.07.24 - 25.07.24
Building Permits Issued 12.07.24 - 18.07.24
Building Permits Issued 05.07.24 - 11.07.24
Building Permits Issued 28.06.24 - 04.07.24
Building Permits Issued 21.06.24 - 27.06.24
Building Permits Issued 14.06.24 - 20.06.24
Building Permits Issued 07.06.24 - 13.06.24
Building Permits Issued 31.05.24 - 06.06.24
Building Permits Issued 24.05.24 - 30.05.24
Building Permits Issued 17.05.24 - 23.05.24
Building Permits Issued 10.05.24 - 16.05.24
Building Permits Issued 03.05.24 - 09.05.24
Building Permits Issued 26.04.24 - 02.05.24
Building Permits Issued 19.04.24 - 25.04.24
Building Permits Issued 12.04.24 - 18.04.24
Building Permits Issued 05.04.24 - 11.04.24
Building Permits Issued 29.03.24 - 04.04.24
Building Permits Issued 22.03.24 - 28.03.24
Building Permits Issued 15.03.24 - 21.03.24
Building Permits Issued 08.03.24 - 14.03.24
Building Permits Issued 01.03.24 - 07.03.24
Building Permits Issued 23.02.24 - 29.02.24
Building Permits Issued 16.02.24 - 22.02.24
Building Permits Issued 09.02.24 - 15.02.24
Building Permits Issued 02.02.24 - 08.02.24
Building Permits Issued 26.01.24 - 01.02.24
Building Permits Issued 19.01.24 - 25.01.24
Building Permits Issued 12.01.24 - 18.01.24
Building Permits Issued 05.01.24 - 11.01.24
Building Permits Issued 29.12.23 - 04.01.24

Development Applications Determined 13.12.24 - 19.12.24
Development Applications Determined 06.12.24 - 12.12.24
Development Applications Determined 29.11.24 - 05.12.24
Development Applications Determined 22.11.24 - 28.11.24
Development Applications Determined 15.11.24 - 21.11.24
Development Applications Determined 08.11.24 - 14.11.24
Development Applications Determined 01.11.24 - 07.11.24
Development Applications Determined 25.10.24 - 31.10.24
Development Applications Determined 18.10.24 - 24.10.24
Development Applications Determined 11.10.24 - 17.10.24
Development Applications Determined 04.10.24 - 10.10.24
Development Applications Determined 27.09.24 - 03.10.24
Development Applications Determined 20.09.24 - 26.09.24
Development Applications Determined 13.09.24 - 19.09.24
Development Applications Determined 06.09.24 - 12.09.24
Development Applications Determined 30.08.24 - 05.09.24
Development Applications Determined 23.08.24 - 29.08.24
Development Applications Determined 16.08.24 - 22.08.24
Development Applications Determined 09.08.24 - 15.08.24
Development Applications Determined 02.08.24 - 08.08.24
Development Applications Determined 26.07.24 - 01.08.24
Development Applications Determined 19.07.24 - 25.07.24
Development Applications Determined 12.07.24 - 18.07.24
Development Applications Determined 05.07.24 - 11.07.24
Development Applications Determined 28.06.24 - 04.07.24
Development Applications Determined 21.06.24 - 27.06.24
Development Applications Determined 14.06.24 - 20.06.24
Development Applications Determined 07.06.24 - 13.06.24
Development Applications Determined 31.05.24 - 06.06.24
Development Applications Determined 24.05.24 - 30.05.24
Development Applications Determined 17.05.24 - 23.05.24
Development Applications Determined 10.05.24 - 16.05.24
Development Applications Determined 03.05.24 - 09.05.24
Development Applications Determined 20.04.24 - 02.05.24
Development Applications Determined 19.04.24 - 25.04.24
Development Applications Determined 12.04.24 - 18.04.24
Development Applications Determined 05.04.24 - 11.04.24
Development Applications Determined 29.03.24 - 04.04.24
Development Applications Determined 22.03.24 - 28.03.24
Development Applications Determined 15.03.24 - 21.03.24
Development Applications Determined 08.03.24 - 14.03.24
Development Applications Determined 01.03.24 - 07.03.24
Development Applications Determined 23.02.24 - 29.02.24
Development Applications Determined 16.02.24 - 22.02.24
Development Applications Determined 09.02.24 - 15.02.24
Development Applications Determined 02.02.24 - 08.02.24
Development Applications Determined 26.01.24 - 01.02.24
Development Applications Determined 19.01.24 - 25.01.24
Development Applications Determined 12.01.24 - 18.01.24
Development Applications Determined 05.01.24 - 11.01.24
Development Applications Determined 29.12.23 - 04.01.24

Applications Lodged 13.12.24 - 19.12.24
Applications Lodged 06.12.24 - 12.12.24
Applications Lodged 29.11.24 - 05.12.24
Applications Lodged 22.11.24 - 28.11.24
Applications Lodged 15.11.24 - 21.11.24
Applications Lodged 08.11.24 - 14.11.24
Applications Lodged 01.11.24 - 07.11.24
Applications Lodged 25.10.24 - 31.10.24
Applications Lodged 18.10.24 - 24.10.24
Applications Lodged 11.10.24 - 17.10.24
Applications Lodged 04.10.24 - 10.10.24
Applications Lodged 27.09.24 - 03.10.24
Applications Lodged 20.09.24 - 26.09.24
Applications Lodged 13.09.24 - 19.09.24
Applications Lodged 06.09.24 - 12.09.24
Applications Lodged 30.08.24 - 05.09.24
Applications Lodged 23.08.24 - 29.08.24
Applications Lodged 16.08.24 - 22.08.24
Applications Lodged 09.08.24 - 15.08.24
Applications Lodged 02.08.24 - 08.08.24
Applications Lodged 26.07.24 - 01.08.24
Applications Lodged 19.07.24 - 25.07.24
Applications Lodged 12.07.24 - 18.07.24
Applications Lodged 05.07.24 - 11.07.24
Applications Lodged 28.06.24 - 04.07.24
Applications Lodged 21.06.24 - 27.06.24
Applications Lodged 14.06.24 - 20.06.24
Applications Lodged 07.06.24 - 13.06.24
Applications Lodged 31.05.24 - 06.06.24
Applications Lodged 34.05.24 - 30.05.24
Applications Lodged 17.05.24 - 23.05.24
Applications Lodged 10.05.24 - 16.05.24
Applications Lodged 03.05.24 - 09.05.24
Applications Lodged 26.04.24 - 02.05.24
Applications Lodged 19.04.24 - 25.04.24
Applications Lodged 12.04.24 - 18.04.24
Applications Lodged 05.04.24 - 11.04.24
Applications Lodged 29.03.24 - 04.04.24
Applications Lodged 22.03.24 - 28.03.24
Applications Lodged 15.03.24 - 21.03.24
Applications Lodged 08.03.24 - 14.03.24
Applications Lodged 01.03.24 - 07.03.24
Applications Lodged 23.02.24 - 29.02.24
Applications Lodged 16.02.24 - 22.02.24
Applications Lodged 09.02.24 - 15.02.24
Applications Lodged 02.02.24 - 08.02.24
Applications Lodged 26.01.24 - 01.02.24
Applications Lodged 19.01.24 - 25.01.24
Applications Lodged 12.01.24 - 18.01.24
Applications Lodged 05.01.24 - 11.01.24
Applications Lodged 29.12.23 - 04.01.24


Building Permits Issued 22.12.23 - 28.12.23
Building Permits Issued 15.12.23 - 21.12.23
Building Permits Issued 08.12.23 - 14.12.23
Building Permits Issued 01.12.23 - 07.12.23
Building Permits Issued 24.11.23 - 30.11.23
Building Permits Issued 17.11.23 - 23.11.23
Building Permits Issued 10.11.23 - 16.11.23
Building Permits Issued 03.11.23 - 09.11.23
Building Permits Issued 27.10.23 - 02.11.23
Building Permits Issued 20.10.23 - 26.10.23
Building Permits Issued 13.10.23 - 19.10.23
Building Permits Issued 06.10.23 - 12.10.23
Building Permits Issued 29.09.23 - 05.10.23
Building Permits Issued 22.09.23 - 28.09.23
Building Permits Issued 15.09.23 - 21.09.23
Building Permits Issued 08.09.23 - 14.09.23
Building Permits Issued 01.09.23 - 07.09.23
Building Permits Issued 25.08.23 - 31.08.23
Building Permits Issued 18.08.23 - 24.08.23
Building Permits Issued 11.08.23 - 17.08.23
Building Permits Issued 04.08.23 - 10.08.23
Building Permits Issued 28.07.23 - 03.08.23
Building Permits Issued 21.07.23 - 27.07.23
Building Permits Issued 14.07.23 - 20.07.23
Building Permits Issued 07.07.23 - 13.07.23
Building Permits Issued 30.06.23 - 06.07.23
Building Permits Issued 23.06.23 - 29.06.23
Building Permits Issued 16.06.23 - 22.06.23
Building Permits Issued 08.06.23 - 15.06.23
Building Permits Issued 01.06.23 - 07.06.23
Building Permits Issued 26.05.23 - 31.05.23
Building Permits Issued 19.05.23 - 25.05.23
Building Permits Issued 12.05.23 - 18.05.23
Building Permits Issued 05.05.23 - 11.05.23
Building Permits Issued 28.04.23 - 04.05.23
Building Permits Issued 21.04.23 - 27.04.23
Building Permits Issued 14.04.23 - 20.04.23
Building Permits Issued 07.04.23 - 13.04.23
Building Permits Issued 30.03.23 - 06.04.23
Building Permits Issued 24.03.23 - 29.03.23
Building Permits Issued 17.03.23 - 23.03.23
Building Permits Issued 10.03.23 - 16.03.23
Building Permits Issued 02.03.23 - 09.03.23
Building Permits Issued 24.02.23 - 01.03.23
Building Permits Issued 17.02.23 - 23.02.23
Building Permits Issued 10.02.23 - 16.02.23
Building Permits Issued 03.02.23 - 09.02.23
Building Permits Issued 27.01.23 - 02.02.23
Building Permits Issued 20.01.23 - 26.01.23
Building Permits Issued 13.01.23 - 19.01.23
Building Permits Issued 06.01.23 - 12.01.23
Building Permits Issued 02.01.23 - 05.01.23

Development Applications Determined 22.12.23 - 28.12.23
Development Applications Determined 15.12.23 - 21.12.23
Development Applications Determined 08.12.23 - 14.12.23
Development Applications Determined 01.12.23 - 07.12.23
Development Applications Determined 24.11.23 - 30.11.23
Development Applications Determined 17.11.23 - 23.11.23
Development Applications Determined 10.11.23 - 16.11.23
Development Applications Determined 03.11.23 - 09.11.23
Development Applications Determined 27.10.23 - 02.11.23
Development Applications Determined 20.10.23 - 26.10.23
Development Applications Determined 13.10.23 - 19.10.23
Development Applications Determined 06.10.23 - 12.10.23
Development Applications Determined 29.09.23 - 05.10.23
Development Applications Determined 22.09.23 - 28.09.23
Development Applications Determined 15.09.23 - 21.09.23
Development Applications Determined 08.09.23 - 14.09.23
Development Applications Determined 01.09.23 - 07.09.23

Development Applications Determined 25.08.23 - 31.08.23
Development Applications Determined 18.08.23 - 24.08.23
Development Applications Determined 11.08.23 - 17.08.23
Development Applications Determined 04.08.23 - 10.08.23
Development Applications Determined 28.07.23 - 03.08.23
Development Applications Determined 21.07.23 - 27.07.23
Development Applications Determined 14.07.23 - 20.07.23
Development Applications Determined 07.07.23 - 13.07.23
Development Applications Determined 30.06.23 - 06.07.23
Development Applications Determined 23.06.23 - 29.06.23
Development Applications Determined 16.06.23 - 22.06.23
Development Applications Determined 08.06.23 - 15.06.23
Development Applications Determined 01.06.23 - 07.06.23
Development Applications Determined 26.05.23 - 31.05.23
Development Applications Determined 19.05.23 - 25.05.23
Development Applications Determined 12.05.23 - 18.05.23
Development Applications Determined 05.05.23 - 11.05.23
Development Applications Determined 28.04.23 - 04.05.23
Development Applications Determined 21.04.23 - 27.04.23
Development Applications Determined 14.04.23 - 20.04.23
Development Applications Determined 07.04.23 - 13.04.23
Development Applications Determined 30.03.23 - 06.04.23
Development Applications Determined 24.03.23 - 29.03.23
Development Applications Determined 17.03.23 - 23.03.23
Development Applications Determined 10.03.23 - 16.03.23
Development Applications Determined 02.03.23 - 09.03.03
Development Applications Determined 24.02.23 - 01.03.23
Development Applications Determined 17.02.23 - 23.02.23
Development Applications Determined 10.02.23 - 16.02.23
Development Applications Determined 03.02.23 - 09.02.23
Development Applications Determined 27.01.23 - 02.02.23
Development Applications Determined 20.01.23 - 26.01.23
Development Applications Determined 13.01.23 - 19.01.23
Development Applications Determined 06.01.23 - 12.01.23
Development Applications Determined 30.12.22 - 05.01.23

Applications Lodged 22.12.23 - 28.12.23
Applications Lodged 15.12.23 - 21.12.23
Applications Lodged 08.12.23 - 14.12.23
Applications Lodged 01.12.23 - 07.12.23
Applications Lodged 24.11.23 - 30.11.23
Applications Lodged 17.11.23 - 23.11.23
Applications Lodged 10.11.23 - 16.11.23
Applications Lodged 03.11.23 - 09.11.23
Applications Lodged 27.10.23 - 02.11.23
Applications Lodged 20.10.23 - 26.10.23
Applications Lodged 13.10.23 - 19.10.23
Applications Lodged 06.10.23 - 12.10.23
Applications Lodged 29.09.23 - 05.10.23
Applications Lodged 22.09.23 - 28.09.23
Applications Lodged 15.09.23 - 21.09.23
Applications Lodged 08.09.23 - 14.09.23
Applications Lodged 01.09.23 - 07.09.23
Applications Lodged 25.08.23 - 31.08.23
Applications Lodged 18.08.23 - 24.08.23
Applications Lodged 11.08.23 - 17.08.23
Applications Lodged 04.08.23 - 10.08.23
Applications Lodged 28.07.23 - 03.08.23
Applications Lodged 21.07.23 - 27.07.22
Applications Lodged 14.07.23 - 20.07.23
Applications Lodged 07.07.23 - 13.07.23
Applications Lodged 30.06.23 - 06.07.23
Applications Lodged 23.06.23 - 29.06.23
Applications Lodged 16.06.23 - 22.06.23
Applications Lodged 08.06.23 - 15.06.23
Applications Lodged 01.06.23 - 07.06.23
Applications Lodged 26.05.23 - 31.05.23
Applications Lodged 19.05.23 - 25.05.23
Applications Lodged 12.05.23 - 18.05.23
Applications Lodged 05.05.23 - 11.05.23
Applications Lodged 28.04.23 - 04.05.23
Applications Lodged 21.04.23 - 27.04.23
Applications Lodged 14.04.23 - 20.04.23
Applications Lodged 07.04.23 - 13.04.23
Applications Lodged 30.03.23 - 06.04.23
Applications Lodged 24.03.23 - 29.03.23
Applications Lodged 17.03.23 - 23.03.23
Applications Lodged 10.03.23 - 16.03.23
Applications Lodged 02.03.23 - 09.03.23
Applications Lodged 24.02.23 - 01.03.23
Applications Lodged 17.02.23 - 23.02.23
Applications Lodged 10.02.23 - 16.02.23
Applications Lodged 03.02.23 - 09.02.23 
Applications Lodged 27.01.23 - 02.02.23
Applications Lodged 20.01.23 - 26.01.23
Applications Lodged 13.01.23 - 19.01.23
Applications Lodged 06.01.23 - 12.01.23
Applications Lodged 30.12.22 - 05.01.23


Building Approval List - December 2022
Building Approval List - November 2022
Building Approval List - October 2022
Building Approval List - September 2022
Building Approval List - August 2022
Building Approval List - July 2022
Building Approval List - June 2022
Building Approval List - May 2022
Building Approval List - April 2022
Building Approval List - March 2022
Building Approval List - February 2022
Building Approval List - January 2022

December 2022 - Development Applications Determined
November 2022 - Development Applications Determined
October 2022 - Development Applications Determined
September 2022 - Development Applications Determined
August 2022 - Development Applications Determined
July 2022 - Development Applications Determined
June 2022 - Development Applications Determined
May 2022 - Development Applications Determined
April 2022 - Development Applications Determined
March 2022 - Development Applications Determined
February 2022 - Development Applications Determined
January 2022 - Development Application Determined

December 2022 - Development Applications Received
November 2022 - Development Applications Received
October 2022 - Development Applications Received
September 2022 - Development Applications Received 
August 2022 - Development Applications Received
July 2022 - Development Applications Received 
June 2022 - Development Applications Received 
May 2022 - Development Applications Received
April 2022 - Development Applications Received 
March 2022 - Development Applications Received 
February 2022 - Development Applications Received
January 2022 - Development Applications Received


Building Approval List - December 2021
Building Approval List - November 2021
Building Approval List - October 2021
Building Approval List - September 2021
Building Approval List - August 2021
Building Approval List - July 2021
Building Approval List - June 2021
Building Approval List - May 2021
Building Approval List - April 2021
Building Approval List - March 2021
Building Approval List - February 2021
Building Approval List - January 2021

December 2021 - Development Applications Determined 
November 2021 - Development Applications Determined
October 2021 - Development Applications Determined
September 2021 - Development Applications Determined 
August 2021 - Development Applications Determined
July 2021 - Development Applications Determined
June 2021 - Development Applications Determined
May 2021 - Development Applications Determined
April 2021 - Development Applications Determined
March 2021 - Development Applications Determined
February 2021 - Development Applications Determined
January 2021 - Development Applications Determined

December 2021 - Development Applications Received
November 2021 - Development Applications Received 
October 2021 - Development Applications Received 
September 2021 - Development Applications Received 
August 2021 - Development Applications Received
July 2021 - Development Applications Received
June 2021 - Development Applications Received
May 2021 - Development Applications Received
April 2021 - Development Applications Received
March 2021 - Development Applications Received
February 2021 - Development Applications Received
January 2021 - Development Applications Received


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