Lost and Straying Animals

Ranger Contact Details

P:    08 9781 0444 (24 hours)


Ranger hours: 6am - 6pm Monday - Sunday 

Lost and Found Cats and Dogs

The best way to be reunited with a lost pet is for the owner to have it registered or microchipped. A name tag with a contact phone number is also recommended.

The City will contact the owner of a lost pet if they are able to identify them so it’s important to make sure registration and microchip details remain current.

If you have lost a cat or dog, check the Impounded Cats and Dogs page.

If your pet has not been impounded, contact the City and the details will be added to our lost animals register. Then, if your pet is found we will contact you to discuss its return.

If you find a cat or a dog please contact the City of Busselton so we can assist to reunite it with its owner.

Pets other than Cats and Dogs

The City of Busselton is not able to care for domesticated pets other than cats and dogs.

If you find a pet other than a cat or dog you may contact the City and we will add it to our found animals register. Alternatively, you may like to contact your local veterinary practice for assistance. 

Straying Livestock

Reporting Straying Livestock

Livestock straying on public roads present a significant risk to motorists, particularly at night.

Livestock includes cows, calves, sheep, goats, horses and any other domesticated farm animals (it does not include dogs, cats or wildlife).

Contact the City to report livestock straying on the road.

Livestock Owner’s Responsibilities

It is an offence for the owner of livestock to allow livestock to stray or feed on public land including roads.


  • may be liable for any damage or injury caused as the result of their livestock straying
  • should ensure their livestock is securely contained by means of adequate fencing and gates
  • should regularly check, repair and maintain fences and gates.

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