Reusable Cloth Nappy Workshop

A free workshop to support the use of reusable nappies as an alternative to disposal nappies destined for landfill.

Are you curious about modern reusable cloth nappies? They are not at all like traditional cloth nappies.

NO folding. NO pins. NO waste!

Find out why they are better for the environment, your baby’s health, and how they can save you money.

We understand how overwhelming all of the information on internet can be. You will be provided with practical information on how to begin your cloth nappy journey. 

The workshop is FREE and attendees receive a cloth nappy kit to take home.

The cloth nappy kit contains 3 different brands of reusable cloth nappies, a discount voucher and a wet bag. Limit of one kit per household. You must attend the workshop to receive the free kit.

Who is the workshop for?

Open to anyone interested in starting or continuing their reusable cloth nappy journey (mums, dads, siblings, grandparents, carers, day care providers).

How to Register

The next workshop has not been organised yet.

Workshops run regularly.  Venues alternate between Busselton and Dunsborough locations.

Visit Events Calendar » City of Busselton to check dates or contact our Waste Education team for further information. 


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