Food and Beverage Business

All businesses producing or selling food or liquor to the public are required to hold a Food Act 2008 Certificate of Notification or Registration.

If you are planning to start a home based food business please refer to the Home Based Business page for more information. If you are planning to trade in public places, including kiosks and food trucks, please refer to the Trading in Public Places page. 

What approvals are required from the City?

To commence a food or beverage business you may need development and/or building approval.

Once you have development/building approval for your proposal the next step will be to consider Health Requirements for the fit-out and operation of your food premises. 

If you are severing liquor, you will require a Liquor Licence.

Development Approval

Do I need a development approval?

In most instances development approval will be required, however there are some exemptions. Contact City Planning Services for specific information in relation to your business. 

Description DA Required

Previous development approval granted on the land, and the development will continue to operate in accordance with the conditional approval (no change to building(s) and/or land use)


Modifications to an existing development approval (e.g. increased licensed area etc.)


New development and/or change of land use


What do I need to consider?

Property Is the site suitable? (e.g. area, parking, sewerage, bushfire* etc.)

What is the zoning of the land? See the Zone section of the Local Planning Scheme No. 21

What Zone is the property in?

  1. Open the Zoning Map
  2. Change the Module on the left-hand side to Local Planning Scheme 21
  3. Search your address in the bottom tabs
  4. The zone of the property is in the information bar to the right of the map.

For more information on the types of Liquor Licences that will be permitted in your zone, email

Land use What is the appropriate land use term? See the Zone section of the Local Planning Scheme No. 21
Permissibility What is the permissibility of the land-use in the zone?
Building What is the relevant building classification, and is the building (if existing) fit for purpose?
Health Food, Noise and Sewage Disposal.

*Land identified within Bushfire Prone Areas will be subject to additional requirements. The City strongly recommends that the proponent contact Planning Services or a Bushfire Practitioner to discuss.

What do I need to include in my application?

Please refer to our Development Application Checklist below. 

Development Application Checklist

Do I need a Section 40 Certificate? 

Only beverage-only businesses require a Section 40 Certificate. A Section 40 Certificate certifies that the premises/activity complies with the Local Planning Scheme. Cost for Application for Section 40 Certificate - $161.00.

Section 40 – Liquor Licence Application

What will it cost?

Please view our Planning Fees via the link below.

Planning Checklists, Forms and Fees

Note these are costs payable to the City only. Other fees may apply.

How can I submit my applications?


In Person        City of Busselton Administration Building, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton WA 6280

By Post        City of Busselton Locked bag 1, Busselton WA 6280

What happens once I have submitted my application?

  1. Preliminary check of your application.
  2. Invoice will be emailed to the applicant.
  3. When payment is received, the application will be allocated to a planning officer for assessment.
  4. The proposal may be referred to external agencies and/or adjoining landowners for comments.
  5. The proposal will be determined by the planning officer.
  6. If supported, a conditional approval will be issued.

These steps usually take from 60 to 90 days.

I have my approval, what's next?

Once you have the conditional development approval, you will need to ensure the conditions of the approval are satisfied including, seeking the appropriate building and food business approvals prior to commencement. Please continue reading below. 

Who can I contact if I need more information?

Planning Services

Phone    08 9781 0444


Important Links

Local Planning Scheme No. 21

Department of Racing Gaming and Liquor – Licence Types

Building Approval 

Will I need building approval?

If you are making any structural changes to your property, or changing the classification of the building (e.g. from a residential to commercial) you may need building approval. All applications for licensed premises are to be Certified Building Applications.)

What do I need?

Please refer to our Building Checklists and Forms by clicking on the link below. 

Building Checklists, Forms and Fees

How can I submit my application?

Portal  Building Portal


In Person  City of Busselton Administration Building, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton WA 6280

By Post  City of Busselton Locked bag 1, Busselton WA 6280

What will it cost?

Please refer to our online building fee calculator by clicking on the link below. 

Online Building Fee Calculator

How long does it take?

A Certified Building Application will take up to 10 business days.

Who can I contact if I need more information?

Building Services

Phone    08 9781 0444


Food Business Approval

Why do I need a Food Business approval?

The City registers and inspects food businesses operating in the City. There are minimum standards by which these premises must operate in relation to food safety and maintenance.

Food Businesses are assessed on risk, below are examples of the type of registration by food type:

  • Notification only e.g. selling pre-packaged confectionary
  • Registration Low Risk e.g. small jam or relish
  • Registration Medium Risk e.g. ready to eat food
  • Registration High Risk e.g. seafood

Food Safe Training

All businesses, regardless of size or how often food is sold, must have the appropriate training and knowledge to provide safe and suitable food. Our team can assist food businesses to meet these requirements by providing free access to training tool FoodSafe (use voucher code FSBUSSE314). 

What do I need to consider?

  • Premises Suitability of premises (including mobile vans and trailers) compared to requirements in the Food Standards Code. Learn more about fitting out your food premises and its operation.
  • Fit out Cost of fit out to meet requirements of Food Standards Code
  • Skills and knowledge Appropriate food safety skills and knowledge
  • Waste The possible requirement of trade waste permit and or grease trap, application through Water Corporation. Provision for wastewater disposal and drinking water if located in area without services
  • Food safety management requirements (includes Food Safety Supervisors) From 8 December 2023, newly developed and approved food safety Standard 3.2.2A will come into force to ensure food handlers have appropriate skills, knowledge and key food safety controls are adequately managed. Find out if this will affect you
  • Food Safe Training (not for Food Safety Supervisors) All businesses, regardless of size or how often food is sold, must have the appropriate training and knowledge to provide safe and suitable food. Our team can assist food businesses to meet these requirements by providing free access to training tool FoodSafe (use voucher code FSBUSSE314). 

    What application form do I need?

    All Food Businesses will require the below registration form. 

    Food Act 2008 (WA) Notification/ Registration Form

    What will it cost?

    Food Act Certificate Notification        Low Risk  Medium Risk High Risk
    Application Fee: $74 $142 $262 $262
    Annual Service Fee: $0 $111 $240 $482

    How can I submit my application?


    In Person: City of Busselton Administration Building, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton WA 6280

    By Post: City of Busselton Locked bag 1, Busselton WA 6280

    How long does it take?

    Assessment will be completed within 21 days of all relevant documentation being received and applications fees being paid.

    Liquor Licence 

    What is a liquor licence?

    A liquor licence is a permit to sell, manufacture, store or otherwise use alcoholic beverages.

    What are the different types of liquor licence?

    The Liquor Control Act 1988 provides for different types of liquor licences in Western Australia. 

    Refer to Licence Types and Trading Hours for a full description of the licence types.

    Licence Types and Trading Hours

    Who issues a liquor licence?

    The Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor issue liquor licences. 

    The Department of Racing Gaming and Liquor

    Applying for a Liquor Licence

    Do I need a Section 39 Certificate?

    A Section 39 Certificate certifies that the premises meets the legislative requirements in support of your liquor licence application to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Activities. This is processed by the City.

    Cost for Application for Section 39 Certificate - $229.00.

    Section 39 - Liquor Licence Application

    What if I want to serve or sell liquor at an existing food business?

    If your business is already registered with the City of Busselton as a food business under the Food Act 2008, you only need to notify the City’s Environmental Health Services of the change.

    If you are not registered with the City of Busselton as a food business under the Food Act 2008 you will need to complete the Food Act 2008 (WA) Notification/Registration form

    How can I submit my application?


    In Person  City of Busselton Administration Building, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton WA 6280

    By Post  City of Busselton Locked bag 1, Busselton WA 6280

    What will it cost?

    If your business only sells liquor/alcohol which is supported with simple foods (e.g. pre prepared/packaged by another food business).

    • Application for Notification         Does not apply
    • Application for Registration         $142.00 
    • Service Fee (pro rata)                   $111.00

    Should however, the food provided be prepared on site:

    • Application for Notification         Does not apply
    • Application for Registration        $142.00 - $262.00 
    • Service Fee (pro rata)                   $111.00 - $482.00

    If you've encountered a problem with the website or have any general feedback, please provide comment via this form.

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