The City of Busselton holds regular Citizenship Ceremonies in the City's Civic and Administration Building. 
Becoming an Australian Citizen
If you are planning on becoming an Australian Citizen, visit the Department of Home Affairs website or call 131 880.
The Department of Home Affairs will arrange the Australian Citizenship application, interview and approval process.
Citizenship ceremonies
Citizenship ceremonies are the final step to becoming an Australian citizen, and are where you make your citizenship pledge and are presented with your Australian Citizenship.
You will be invited to attend a ceremony once citizenship has been granted by the Department of Home Affairs.
We generally conduct citizenship ceremonies every second month. The 26 January Australia Day ceremony is held in conjunction with Australia Day celebrations at the Busselton Foreshore amphitheatre.
Any questions regarding ceremonies held at the City of Busselton can be directed to the Executive Assistants to Council.
Citizenship FAQs
How can I find out when my Citizenship Ceremony will be?
We are unable to provide you with a ceremony date until we receive advice from the Department of Home Affairs that your application for citizenship has been approved.
Once your approval for citizenship has been received, we will invite you to the next available ceremony. Invitations are sent out around four weeks before a ceremony.
Should you require further information regarding your approval for citizenship, you must contact the Department of Home Affairs.
Do I need to attend a ceremony to receive my certificate?
Yes. You must attend a citizenship ceremony where you make your citizenship pledge to validate your citizenship, and receive your certificate.
Can I arrange a ceremony earlier than the next scheduled citizenship ceremony?
The Department of Home Affairs strongly encourages candidates to attend public ceremonies however, in genuinely urgent and compelling circumstances, may agree to an urgent citizenship ceremony.
If you believe your circumstances warrant an urgent ceremony please contact the Department of Home Affairs on 131 880.
How long does the citizenship ceremony take?
The ceremony takes about half an hour and is followed by an informal gathering with complimentary light refreshments for you and your guests.
What should I wear?
Formal, Business or smart casual attire. You are also welcome to wear traditional, national or cultural dress.
Can I take photographs?
Yes. You are welcome to take photographs throughout the ceremony. A complimentary official photograph will be taken as you receive your certificate, and will be sent to you within two weeks of the ceremony.
Do children have to attend a citizenship ceremony?
Children aged 16 years and over are legally required to attend a ceremony and make the citizenship pledge to become on Australian citizen. Children under the age of 16 are not legally required to make the citizenship pledge, however they are welcome to attend with their parents or guardian and make the citizenship pledge where possible.
I have lost my citizenship certificate. What should I do?
If you lose your citizenship certificate please contact the Department of Home Affairs on 131 880 to arrange a replacement.
When can I apply for an Australian passport?
You can apply for an Australian passport once you have attended a citizenship ceremony and received your certificate. The original certificate is needed when applying for the passport.
For more information call the Australian Passport Office on 131 232.