Conduct and Ethics

Code of Conduct

Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates

A local government, in accordance with Section 5.104 of the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021, is required to prepare and adopt a Code of Conduct to be observed by Council members, Committee members and Candidates.

The Code of Conduct is to contain matters as prescribed by regulations and can also make further provision for expectations of Council members, Committee members and Candidates.

For more information on the City's Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates please refer to the document listed below.

Code of Conduct - Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates

Management of Complaints of Alleged Breaches of Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Complaint Form: Alleged Breaches of Part 3 of the Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates

Response Form - Alleged Breaches of Behaviour


In accordance with the Employee Code Regulations 2021, a local government is to have a Code of Conduct for Employees approved and implemented by the Chief Executive Officer.

The City of Busselton Code of Conduct for Employees sets the standards of behaviour that employees are to observe in relation to their conduct. The Code is based on the City’s values of Listening, Considered Decision Making, Appreciation, Respect and Team Work.

For more information on the City’s Code of Conduct for Employees, please refer to the document listed below.

Code of Conduct - Employees

Standards - CEO Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination

A local government, in accordance with Section 5.39A(1)of the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, is required to prepare and adopt Standards for CEO Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination.

The Standards provide local governments with a consistent and equitable process for CEO recruitment, performance review and termination, in accordance with the principles of merit, equity and transparency.

For more information on the Standard for CEO Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination, please refer to the document listed below.

Standards – CEO Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination

Public Interest Disclosures 

The City of Busselton values honesty and integrity as well as openness, transparency and accountability in everything it does.  The City does not tolerate corrupt or other improper conduct, including mismanagement of public resources, in the exercise of its public functions.

The City of Busselton is committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003.  It recognises the value and importance of contributions of staff to enhance administrative and management practices and strongly supports disclosures being made as to conduct which is potentially corrupt or otherwise improper.

The City of Busselton will take all reasonable steps to provide protection to those who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for the making of a public interest disclosure.

For further information related to Public Interest Disclosure please refer to the attached documents.

A Guide to Public Interest Disclosures

Customer Service Charter

The City of Busselton is committed to providing excellent services to our community.

We will do this by striving to provide:

  • Polite, helpful and respectful service
  • Our time and attention to address your enquiries
  • Services that are consistent and promptly delivered
  • Accurate information delivered in easy to understand language
  • Clear explanations for decisions made
  • Fair treatment in accordance with the City's legal obligations
  • Easy to access feedback and complaint processes
  • Assistance to connect with other services within our community

Complaints Handling Policy

Customer Service Charter

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