Dog Information
In accordance with The Dog Act 1976 all dogs that have reached 3 months of age must be registered and microchipped.
The registered owner of a dog must be at least 18 years old. Dogs may be registered for one year, three years or lifetime. One and three year registration periods expire on 31 October. Lifetime registration of young dogs is the most cost effective option.
Dog Registration Form
Registration Costs
1 year |
3 years |
Lifetime |
Unsterilised |
$50 |
$120 |
$250 |
Sterilised |
$20 |
$42.50 |
$100 |
Registrations expire the following 31 October.
Eligible pensioners are entitled to a 50% concession.
Pay Your Registration Renewal
Our online renewal registration is no longer available.
To pay your dog registration renewal, you can either call our Customer Service team on 08 9781 0444 or visit our team at the City of Busselton Administration Building, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton.
Registration of Dangerous Dogs
Dangerous dogs may only be registered for one year. The fee is $50 whether or not the dog is sterilised. The owner of a declared dangerous dog is also required to pay an annual $100 compliance inspection fee.
Concession fees do not apply to dangerous dogs.
Responsible Dog Ownership 
Make sure your dog:
- is confined to your property
- is registered and microchip details are up to date
- does not cause a neighbourhood nuisance by barking
Maximum Number of Dogs
The maximum number of dogs allowed without a permit is two. To apply for a permit to keep more than two dogs submit an application form.
There is a $87 application fee.
Permit to keep more than two dogs submit an application form.
Barking Dogs
Barking is a normal sound a dog uses to communicate.
Excessive barking, particularly at night can become a neighbourhood nuisance. Dogs do not bark without a reason. It can occur when the dog:
- is excited or bored
- has separation anxiety
- feels threatened
- is being protective
Nuisance barking should be dealt with in the early stages. Prolonged barking can become habitual and is difficult and time consuming to correct.
Information on how to handle nuisance barking is available on the RSPCA website.
Contact City of Busselton Rangers if you are experiencing problems with nuisance barking.
Dog Attacks
To prevent dog attacks:
- always supervise young children around dogs
- when in public keep your dog under effective control
- consider fitting a muzzle if your dog is unsociable around people or other dogs
Contact City Rangers if you or your pet is the victim of a dog attack.
Wandering Dogs
Wandering dogs may attack people, wildlife or other animals and are at risk of being hit by a car.
Keep your dog securely confined to your property by means of adequate fencing and gates.
Contact City Rangers if you see a dog wandering or if you have lost your dog.
Assistance Dogs
An assistance dog is a dog that is trained or being trained by a representative of one of the following organisations:
- Assistance Dogs Australia Ltd
- Lions Hearing Dogs Inc
- Seeing Eyes Dogs Australia
- Royal Guide Dogs Association of Australia and affiliated bodies
- VisAbility Limited.
Assistance dogs are permitted in all areas where dogs are otherwise prohibited.
Impounded Dogs
You can view Impounded Pets via the link below.
Impounded Pets
Related Information
Change of Ownership Form
Change of Address Form
Dog Information Brochure
Dog Exercise Areas
Ranger Contact Details
P: 08 9781 0444 (24 hours)
Ranger hours: 6am - 6pm Monday - Sunday
After-hours Emergencies
Rangers will attend the following after-hours emergencies:
- livestock on public roads
- dog attack where the attacking dog is on-site but not contained
- campfires on City property