Native Flora and Fauna
The City of Busselton is located in the South West WA Biodiversity Hotspot and within the nationally recognised Busselton-Augusta Biodiversity hotspot. 
Biodiversity hotspots acknowledge the exceptional diversity and uniqueness (endemic flora species that are only found in this area) and recognise the level of threat to this biodiversity resulting from significant loss of habitat.
The region includes a range of fauna such as the Western Ringtail Possum, Quenda (Southern Brown Bandicoot), Brush-tailed Phascogale, Baudin Black Cockatoos, Bearded Dragon and Pygmy Possum (pictured) to name a few.
Did You Know?
The South West region has highly diverse flora with over 7,000 plant species with nearly 80% found only in the South West.
Western Ringtail Possum 
The City’s fauna emblem is the Western Ringtail Possum (WRP).
The Western Ringtail Possum or Ngwayir is unique to South West of Western Australia. It was once widely distributed throughout the South West, but is now restricted to isolated patches, mainly concentrated in areas of coastal peppermint forest (Agonis flexuosa).
- the highest densities of WRP are found on the coastal strip between Busselton and Dunsborough often cohabiting with humans in residential areas. They can live in roof spaces of houses, sheds and will eat some garden plants including roses and fruit trees.
- conservation status - The WRP is a threatened species under State and Commonwealth legislation. In WA the species is listed as Critically Endangered fauna under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
City Involvement in WRP Conservation
- fox control in bushland reserves.
- monitoring of WRP by volunteers through the City’s Friends of Reserve program.
- contributing to community groups and management of habitat through stakeholder groups including: WRP Stakeholder Group, Western Ringtail Possum Action Group and the WRP Recovery team.
How Can You Help?
Report sightings of western ringtail possums by sending Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions fauna report form.
Alternatively you can download the CAUL Urban Wildlife app to your phone and enter sighting information instantly.
If you think you have western ringtail possums living in your area you can do the below actions to help conserve this species:
- drive carefully to avoid vehicle strikes, particularly at night.
- retain and plant Peppermint trees (Agonis flexuosa) which provide habitat and make up 95% of their diet.
- avoid chemicals and baits that can be harmful to possums.
- keep domestic pets contained, particularly at night
- do not feed possums
- install a possum box
Wildcare Helpline
If you've found injured wildlife, call the Wildcare Helpline on 08 9474 9055.
One-sided Bottlebrush or Claw Flower 
The Claw flower (Calothamnus graniticus subsp graniticus) is the City of Busselton’s Flora Emblem and is only found from Meelup Regional Park and nearby Sugarloaf rock. The plant forms part of the coastal Closed Heath Threatened Ecological Vegetation Community.
Remaining remnant native vegetation, including City reserves, provides crucial habitat for both flora and fauna species.
Related Information
Injured Wildlife
WRP Pamphlet
Peppies for Possums Program
Parks and Wildlife
Threatened Species Profile for Western Ringtail Possum
City Reserves