Off Road Vehicles

Under the provisions of the Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978, all off-road vehicles must be registered as such and must comply with prescribed safety and noise standards. 

Off-road vehicles can only be used in certain specified areas (permitted areas) or on private land with the land owner’s or occupier’s consent. Off road vehicles must not be driven by children under eight years of age except on private land where the owner’s or occupier’s consent has been given.

Off-road vehicles are not to be used in any parks, reserves, beaches or on the road in the City of Busselton.

If you spot an off road vehicle in a park, reserve or beach, please call Rangers on 08 9781 0444.

If you spot an off road vehicle in the street (road, path or road reserve), please call the Police on 131 444.

Vehicles on Beaches

The only beach area licensed 4WD vehicles may access is Wonnerup Beach from the Wonnerup Boat ramp east to the estuary.

Trail Bikes

There are no areas of public land within the City of Busselton designated for trail bikes.

Ranger Contact Details

P:    08 9781 0444 (24 hours)

Ranger hours: 6am - 6pm Monday to Sunday 

Related Information

Information on Camping & Vehicles Brochure

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