Locke Estate Background
The Locke Estate is a 37.5ha parcel of Crown Land located on the coast of Geographe Bay approximately 10kms west of Busselton. The Locke Estate consists of 16 adjoining campsites on one parcel of land known as the Locke Estate.
The Estate was transferred to the State of WA in the 1920s. Being an 'A Class' reserve it is highly protected Crown land with the reserve forever remaining dedicated to the purpose declared, until otherwise amended by an Act of Parliament. A Class reserves typically include areas of high conservation and community value, such as, national parks, conservation parks and nature reserves.
The State of WA issued the City of Busselton with a Management Order over the Locke Estate for the purpose of "Recreational Campsites and Group Holiday Accommodation". The Management Order also provides the City with 'power to lease' for terms not exceeding 21 years, subject to the consent of the Minister for Lands.
Currently 14 campsites are leased by various 'not for profit' organisations for benevolent purposes and are due to expire in 2032.
The sites are currently leased as follows:
Site 1: Scout Association of Australia – Western Australian Branch Inc.
Site 2: Australasian Conference Association Ltd, also known as Seventh Day Adventist
Site 3: Apostolic Church Australia Limited
Site 4: The Bunbury Diocesan Trustees
Site 5: The Baptist Union of Western Australia Inc.
Site 6: The Baptist Union of Western Australia Inc.
Site 7: South West Aboriginal Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation
Site 8: Bunbury Catholic Diocesan Youth and Recreation Association Inc.
Site 9: Busselton Gospel Chapel Inc.
Site 10: Abundant Life Centre Busselton Inc.
Site 11: Scripture Union Western Australia Limited
Site 12: Regional Kids (Kyle Andrews Foundation) and Workpower Inc.
Site 13: Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust WA
Site 14: Australian Medical Procedures Research Foundation Ltd
Site 15: The Legacy Club of Western Australia Inc.
Site 16: (vacant)

Related Information
Locke Estate Plan
Connell Wagner Report for Public Comment 2008