Bushland Reserves managed by the City of Busselton play an important role in conserving the unique environmental values including flora, native fauna, heritage and Aboriginal cultural values.
Many City reserves are of high conservation significance with threatened flora, vegetation communities and fauna species. The City works with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) to manage these reserves.

Did You Know?
The City manages over 10,000 hectares of bushland, open space reserves and road reserves and over 8,000 hectares of coastal reserves.
Meelup Regional Park
Ambergate Reserve
Road Reserves 
The City’s road reserves are valued by the community and represent a significant environmental asset. The remnant native vegetation provides many functions including:
- Crucial wildlife habitat (flora and fauna) and ecological corridors through the cleared landscape.
- Important tourism and local community benefits - wildflowers, cultural significance and a sense of place.
- A valuable source of seed for revegetation projects, windbreaks, shelter for stock and erosion control.
Road upgrade works are carefully managed to ensure vegetation clearing and environmental impacts are avoided and/or minimised.
How to Get Involved
The Management of City reserves is assisted by volunteers registered in the Friends of Reserve Program.
Reserve Management Plans
- The City has developed reserve management plans for 25 high priority bushland and foreshore reserves.
- The Plans guide and prioritise forward planning and on-ground works and have generally involved extensive community consultation prior to adoption
- Over 2,000 hectares of other reserves have been assessed for their ecological value and potential threatening processes. Priority management actions have been developed for 52 of the City’s bushland reserves.
Management of Threats to Biodiversity
Programs are implemented by the City to mitigate and minimise threats to biodiversity values in City reserves. These include:
- Feral animal control link to Plants and Animals/Feral animals and pests page
- Weed management and control link to Plants and Animals/ Weeds page
- Dieback and access management link to Bushcare/Dieback page
- Fire Management:
- Ecological Fire Management Plans are being developed for the City’s high conservation reserves.
- The development of Ecological Fire Management Plans ensures the required consideration and planning to protect and maintain biodiversity values is balanced with fire protection measures.
Enjoy the Wildflowers
Enjoy the abundance of wildflowers in Spring – but remember to remain on the trails to protect the environment. Wildflowers are protected and picking of wildflowers is illegal.