Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans
SMS notification system
The City of Busselton uses a SMS notification system to advise community members when a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban is being issued.
Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans within the City of Busselton are issued by the City and are put in place when your local Chief Bush Fire Control Officer identifies the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery as high bushfire risk activities, during particular times of the day.

Machine operators are responsible for checking if any restrictions are in place before undertaking harvesting on a property. It is their duty to make sure equipment is not likely to start a fire during a ban. If it does, a fine could be issued and there is serious risk of putting the property and community in danger.
A Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban can be in place for any length of time. It is most likely to be imposed during the ‘heat of the day’. The City can extend or cancel a ban at any time if weather conditions change.
Please note, Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban are different to Total Fire Bans, which are issued by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). Community members should not solely rely on this service for information related to bushfire events in their area and are encouraged to monitor emergency updates on ABC South West radio, emergency.wa.gov.au and via the DFES information line on 13 33 37. For life threatening emergencies call 000.
To receive SMS notifications to your mobile device of Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans being issued within the City of Busselton, please complete the online form below. All information will be kept private and for use by the City of Busselton only for the purposes stated above. There is no charge for this service. Alternatively, notification of Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans will also be communicated via an alert on the City’s website landing page and Facebook page.