Urban Art Work
Over the last decade the number of urban artworks on Busselton, Dunsborough and Vasse walls has jumped dramatically! 
The artworks range from simple words to complex conversation starters; on large walls, smaller walls and everything in between. The artworks are a reflection of our lifestyle and what is important to us, and they bring vibrancy and uniqueness to our town centres.
The City is proud to have contributed to funding for community projects through our grants programs and many have been commissioned by private businesses.
Check out the Urban Art Trail on our Near-Me mapping feature which is included as part of the overall Art Trail (includes Public Artworks too) or you can view the list of artworks below.
If you see something that isn’t included, send an email to city@busselton.wa.gov.au (attention Cultural Development Officer). Include the location, a photo and any information you might have about the artwork.
If you are interested in pursuing an urban artwork on City property, you can obtain the guidelines and an application form by emailing city@busselton.wa.gov.au.
Pictured to the right is artist Holly Ogden with her Sunflowers (corner Queen St and Prince St, Busselton).
Busselton - a History
Ballaarat Screen
Surfboard Screen
Local Whales
Busselton Art Society 60th Anniversary Mosaic
Tree of Life Cow
Go Karts Sign
Coast to Farm - Bay OK
Bus Stop
Bus Stop - Kent St
Cockatoo, Possum, Gecko, Seagull and Jetty
Busselton Library: Libris, Children Playing and Japanese Text
Portrait of Samuel Isaacs
Busselton History on the Vasse River
Sugito Sister City Mascot
The Soul Sees without Eyes & Whispers on the Wind
At the Beach
Aboriginal Symbols
Fantail Birds
Splash of Colour
Brown Honeyeaters
Artificial Reef Block
Whaling History
Echidna and Tiger Snake
Dunsborough Activities and Future Hand
Dunsborough Playing Fields Community Activities
Dunsborough Tavern
Light the Way
Dunsborough Life
Cape to Cape Life
Pets Away, Possums Play
Angel's Wings
Carnaby Cockatoos
Bus Stop
Coffee Break
Blue Circle
Surrounded, I See
Canopy of Life
Best Mates