City Profile
The City of Busselton is a City by the sea, where environment, lifestyle and opportunity thrive.
Located 230kms south of Perth, the City of Busselton is part of the South West region of Western Australia. The City has a current population of 42,913.
Encompassing a total area of 1,455km2, the City of Busselton is home to 43 suburbs and five town centres.
Located on beautiful Geographe Bay and surrounded by an abundance of natural beauty, the City of Busselton is a special place to live and visit. The City of Busselton is a fast growing municipality with expanding social and economic opportunities. It is a major service centre for towns in neighbouring towns and shires.
The main industries of employment are:
- Health care and social assistance
- Accommodation and food services
- Construction
- Retail trade
- Education and training
City of Busselton Quick Facts
The below quick facts were taken from the Council Plan 2024-2034. You can view the entire plan here >>

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