Heritage places in Busselton are essential to maintaining the City’s unique character and historical significance. These sites, ranging from iconic buildings to cultural landmarks, offer a glimpse into the past, helping to tell the story of Busselton’s development and the people who have shaped it. Preserving these areas not only enriches the local community but also strengthens the City's identity, making it a more attractive destination for tourists and fostering a sense of pride among residents. By valuing and protecting Busselton's heritage, we ensure that future generations can continue to connect with the rich history that makes this place special.

The Local Heritage Survey, Heritage List, and Local Planning Policy 4.3 - Heritage Conservation collectively provide the framework for protecting and managing heritage sites within the City of Busselton. These tools ensure that heritage sites are preserved and thoughtfully integrated into the community's growth. In accordance with the Heritage of Western Australia Act 2018, all local governments in the state are required to maintain and periodically review a Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List.
In 2024, the City of Busselton undertook a comprehensive review of its heritage documentation, including the Local Heritage Survey, Heritage List, and Local Planning Policy 4.3 – Heritage Conservation. This review involved a detailed evaluation of the properties listed in the Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List, as well as consideration of new submissions. An external heritage consultant was engaged to assist in this process.
Following the review, the updated Local Heritage Survey, Heritage List, and Local Planning Policy 4.3 – Heritage Conservation were formally adopted by the City Council at the October meeting held on 16th October 2024.
Heritage List
The City of Busselton's Heritage List comprises places deemed to have cultural heritage significance and are considered worthy of preservation. The primary objectives of the Heritage List are to facilitate the conservation of these heritage sites and to ensure that development is undertaken in a manner that respects and safeguards the identified heritage values, in alignment with the broader interests of the community.
Heritage List 2024
Development Approval is required for the demolition and/or development of all properties identified on the Heritage List.
For these properties, the City will work together with property owners and developers to ensure the best outcome for everyone. Development will be assessed in accordance with Local Planning Policy 4.3 - Heritage Conservation.
Please note that there are no formal development restrictions for properties on the Local Heritage Survey that are not included on the Heritage List. Owners are free to develop their properties in accordance with normal planning scheme provisions which apply to all properties in the City.
Places of high cultural significance may also be included on the State Heritage Register. To find out more information visit Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage – State Register or search the State Register of Heritage Places.
For all enquiries please call Statutory Planning on 08 9781 0444.
Local Heritage Survey
The Local Heritage Survey (LHS) is an informational database that catalogues and provides details on heritage-listed places and sites of cultural heritage significance within the City of Busselton.
Under the Heritage Act 2018, local governments are required to prepare and maintain an LHS to acknowledge the heritage value of places to the local community.
The LHS serves as a record-keeping tool and does not carry legal implications for land development within the City of Busselton.
The cultural heritage significance of places listed in the LHS is assessed in accordance with the Heritage Act 2018. This assessment is based on the aesthetic, historic, scientific, social, or spiritual value of a place, as defined by the Burra Charter 2013, adopted by the Heritage Council of Western Australia (HCWA).
Each place listed in the LHS is assigned a management category reflecting its level of significance: 'Exceptional', 'Considerable', 'Moderate', 'Some' or 'Place of Interest'. A summary of each category is provided below.