Flying Drones
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is the regulatory body governing the safe use of drones.
Information regarding the safe operation of drones is on the CASA website. Reports of the unsafe use of drones should be reported directly to CASA via their website or by calling 131 757.
In some instances, approval from the City is required to operate a drone for commercial purposes from City land.
Recreational operators should only fly during the day and respect the personal privacy of others. Do not video or photograph people without their consent.
The City cannot enforce or investigate privacy related matters. These should be reported directly to the Police on 131 444.
You must not fly your drone:
- higher than 120 metres above the ground or over people
- around an emergency incident
- in any way that is likely to create a hazard
The City has identified the areas shown below as our preferred locations for the recreational use of drones. Drones are not to be flown in these areas when the grounds are being used for public events or organised sport.
Area 1 - Barnard Park

Area 2 - Vasse Playing Fields

Area 3 - Dunsborough Playing Fields

Related Information
Filming in the City