Weather Stations

The City has installed two Ecowitt weather stations to provide localised weather information.

Location Link to weather readings
Busselton Administration Building BoM WOW
Naturaliste Community Centre (NCC) BoM WOW

Busselton - Administration Building

The weather station is installed on the roof of the Council Administration Building at 2 Southern Drive in Busselton.

The weather station itself is a Ecowitt weather stations.

The following readings are uploaded automatically every ten minutes:

  • Temperature
  • Dew Point
  • Humidity

Naturaliste Community Centre (NCC)

The weather station is installed on the roof of the Naturaliste Community Centre (NCC) at 21 Dunsborough Lakes Drive in Dunsborough.

The weather station itself is an Ecowitt weather station.

The following readings are uploaded automatically every ten minutes:

  • Temperature
  • Dew Point
  • Humidity


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