Structure Plans and Local Development Plans

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website provides useful information on:

  • Structure Plan Framework (including Precinct Structure Plans)
  • Local Development Plan Framework and
  • Practitioner’s Frequently Asked Questions

Structure Plans

A structure plan provides a basis for zoning (including residential density) and subdivision of land.

This page contains electronic versions of some of the most common structure plans approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).  Please contact the City’s Planning Department for further information on 9781 1731.

All Structure Plans approved by the WAPC since the commencement of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 are available from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

Commonage Consolidated Structure Plan 

Airport North Structure Plan

Old Broadwater Farm  

Port Geographe Development Plan

Provence Structure Plan

Rendezvous Road Vasse 

Precinct Structure Plans

A Precinct Structure Plan guides the types of land uses and the overall development (including built form) that is intended to occur within an activity centre.  It can detail land use and infrastructure requirements as well as environmental assets, residential density, built form, infrastructure and access arrangements.

A Precinct Structure Plan (previously called an Activity Centre Plan) has been adopted for the Vasse Village.

Abbey South Precinct Structure Plan

Dunsborough Precinct Plan 

Vasse Village Precinct Plan

Vasse Village Activity Centre Plan

The City is currently working on the preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan for the Busselton City Centre and Dunsborough Town Centre. More information on this can be found on the Planning our Town Centres page.

Local Development Plans

A local development plan is a mechanism used to coordinate and assist in achieving better built form outcomes by linking lot design to future development. It can facilitate the design and coordination of development upon small and highly constrained lots, and supplement development standards contained within local planning schemes and the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes).

A local development plan may be prepared in the following circumstances:

  • lots with an area less than 260m2 and irregularly configured lots;
  • lots where specific vehicle access and egress control is required;
  • lots abutting public open space;
  • local and neighbourhood centres;
  • lots that have been identified to accommodate a future change of use;
  • lots with particular site constraints (e.g. steeply sloping land); and
  • to address noise buffer and amelioration requirements.

Local Development Plans approved by the City pursuant to Part 6 of the Deemed Provisions of the Regulations are listed below:


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