Economic Development
Economic development across the City of Busselton is about sustainably attracting and growing business and industry, creating and retaining meaningful jobs and making our community a better place to live.
The Economic and Business Development unit exists to identify, support and promote existing businesses and new industry opportunities to ensure sustainable, strategic and long-term economic growth.
Our vision is about diversity, sustainability, jobs and investment, and the vibrancy and liveability of economic growth.
By sustainably using our natural resources, supporting our community with exceptional lifestyle infrastructure and services and enabling diverse business, employment and investment opportunities, we strive toward delivering a place "Where Environment, Lifestyle and Opportunity Meet!"
The City actively encourage business, community and all levels of Government to continue collaborating and knowledge sharing on regional issues to ensure we can best deliver economic development outcomes for the region.
The City of Busselton’s economic development team is responsible for assisting with the development and growth of the City’s local economy, promoting tourism, supporting local businesses and encouraging new business activities.
Business Development, Events and Marketing Program
The program includes grant funding supporting economic development and marketing initiatives delivered by stakeholder groups. You can view further information about the Business Development, Events and Marketing Program here.
Grant Funding is available under two streams:
- Economic Development Initiatives - supporting priorities identified in the City of Busselton's Economic Development Strategy 2022-27.
- Marketing Initiatives: Supporting initiatives that improve the visitor experience within the City of Busselton and strengthen the Busselton regional brand.
Economic Development Advisory Group and Stakeholder Group
Council established an Economic Development Advisory Group to steer the implementation plan and facilitate collaboration between Government, industry and community groups that have a role in local economic development. In addition, a broad community, business and industry Economic Development Stakeholder Group provide regular updates on issues and opportunities to guide the Advisory Group's efforts.
Economic Development Strategy 2022-27 and Implementation Plan
Adopted in June 2022, the Economic Development Strategy 2022-27 harnesses the potential of our City and positions it into the future whilst providing a framework that outlines our priorities and deliverable actions for socio-economic development over the next five years. Accompanying the Economic Development Strategy is a detailed implementation plan that acts as an agile framework for projects and programs delivered in collaboration with business and industry.
Economic Development Strategy
Implementation Plan - Economic Development 2022-2027
Economic Development Forum 2022
The City hosted its inaugural Economic Forum in June 2022. This full-day interactive program of keynote speakers, panel and Q&A sessions addressed current issues. It examined the economic outlook and industries that drive the City of Busselton and the broader South West region. This Event promoted conversations and cooperative partnerships on issues and opportunities to effect socio-economic progress, facilitated information flow and networking opportunities across industry sectors and engaged government agencies, industry, investors, media and the broader community.
Economic Forum Program 2022
Video recordings of the event
Welcome, Economy, Skills, Jobs and Housing
Video Tourism and Funding
Sustainable, Collaborative, Creative and Business Wellness
Busselton and Dunsborough Place Project Outcomes Report 2019
In 2019 the City convened a series of place-making workshops that involved community members, local business owners, Councillors, City staff and relevant stakeholders. The workshops developed an Outcomes Report that the City uses to guide future actions relating to place-making for both Busselton and Dunsborough.
Busselton and Dunsborough Place Project Outcomes Report 2019
Data and Statistics
The City of Busselton engages REMPLAN for up-to-date economic and demographic data and statistics.
This information can be helpful when developing your business case, funding proposals and grant applications.
City of Busselton Economic Report 2021
City of Busselton live REMPLAN DATA