Planning Checklists, Forms & Fees

When submitting an Application for Development Approval, please ensure all required information is provided.

Planning Checklists


Residential (Dwellings and/or Additions)


Land Use/ Development Specific 

Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation 

Private Jetties and Boatlifting Structures 

Advertising Signage 

Dam - Construction, Expanding or Altering

Tree Farm - Harvest / Haulage

Extractive Industry 

Planning Forms

Application for Development Approval

Request for Written Planning Advice and/or Zoning Certificates

Request Copy of Planning Approvals and Plans

Application for Subdivision Clearance

Section 39 – Liquor Licence Application

Section 40 - Liquor Licence Application

Portable Advertising Signage (Public Land)

Scheme Amendment Submission Form 3A

Operational Management Plan

Planning Fees

General Development Application
Where the estimated cost of development (ECD) - (Excluding GST) is:
Not more than $50,000 $147.00
More than $50,000 but not more than $500,000 0.32% of ECD
More than $500,000 but not more than $2.5 million $1700 + 0.257% for every $1 over $500,000
More than $2.5 million but not more than $5 million $7161 + 0.206% for every $1 over $2.5 million
More than $5 million but not more than $21.5 million $12,633 + 0.123% for every $1 over $5 million
More than $21.5 million $34,196.00
Retrospective Development Approval Fee as above + twice that amount as penalty
Change of Use (e.g. Holiday Home or Bed & Breakfast) $295.00
Extractive industry $739.00
Other Application Fees
Neighbour Consultation (in additional in application fee) $138.00
Formal Advertising (in additional in application fee) $439.00
Agency referral (in additional in application fee) $138.00

Amendment to Development Approval (refer to Clause 77 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2015)

  • amend a development approval so as to extend the period within which any development approved must be substantially commenced.
  • amend or delete any condition to which the approval is subject.
  • to amend an aspect of the development approved which, if amended, would not substantially change the development approved.
  • to cancel the approval.

Note - The decision for the application to be considered an amendment shall be at the discretion of the City and may be deemed a new application.


Reconsideration of decision to refuse a Development Application

Fee waived if received within 28 days from the date of original decision

Request for Written Planning Advice $73.00
Section 40 – Liquor Licensing $172.00
Development Assessment Panel Fees (in addition to Development Application Fees)
Where the estimated cost of development (ECD) is:
less than $2 million $5,341.00
Not less than $2 million and less than $7 million $6,168.00
Not less than $7 million and less than $10 million $9,522.00
Not less than $10 million and less than $12.5 million $10,361.00
Not less than $12.5 million and less than $15 million $10,656.00
Not less than $15 million and less than $17.5 million $10,952.00
Not less than $17.5 million and less than $20 million $11,249.00
Not less than $20 million and less than $50 million $11,544.00
Not less than $50 million $16,680.00
Amending or cancelling Development Assessment Panel Approval (r17) $264.00

For the full list refer to the City's Notice of Fees & Charges

Developer Contributions

Development of land creates additional demands for new and/or upgraded infrastructure. Developer Contributions are applied where development is proposed that is in excess of a single house (e.g. grouped dwellings and subdivisions).

Development Contributions are payments towards providing the additional infrastructure needed.

Amounts are indexed each year in line with the Local Government Cost Index. (June 2024)

Cash in-lieu : Car parking per bay $12,550.78
Cash in-lieu : Car parking per bay in Dunsborough Enterprise Park $3,191.38
Percent for Art (developments in excess of $1 million) 1% of Estimated Cost of Development
Road Upgrade $1,273.67
Road Upgrade – Bussell Highway Zone 4 $902.70
Footpath & Dual Use Path Construction (per dwelling or new lot) $671.28
Drainage Contributions Determined on application
Community Facilities Contributions (per dwelling or new lot)
Busselton precinct $2,895
Geographe precinct $2,090
Broadwater precinct $2,303
Dunsborough & Quindalup (including Eagle Bay & Yallingup) $3,746
Rural Remainder $1,888
Developer Contribution Plans
Dunsborough Lakes Estate (Dunsborough Lakes Estate Developer Contribution Plan $6,151
Port Geographe (Port Geographe Developer Contributions and Staging Plan) Please contact the City's Planning Department
Yalyalup (Yalyalup Developer Contributions and Staging Plan) $6,139
Vasse Development Area (Vasse Development Area – Developer Contributions and Staging Plan) $3,109
Old Broadwater Farm $3,566

Final Development Contribution Plan Report – Community Facilities 

LPP 6.1 Stormwater 

LPP 6.4 Road, Footpath & Cycle 


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