Filming in the City

We love to see our beautiful region up on the big screen, entertaining us on our TV’s, or shining at us from the pages of a magazine. 

Here at the City of Busselton, we are all about streamlining approval processes to make it easy to film or photograph in our region. 

We have some amazing locations, both on public and private lands in our area. Talk to our friendly team to find out what approvals are required.

There are generally no fees associated with filming or photography within the City, so long as there is no impact on public spaces and places.

Why film in the City of Busselton?

The City of Busselton welcomes filmmakers to the beautiful South West of Western Australia. 

We’re eager to discuss your ideas and assist in finding the perfect film shoot locations. 

Find out more about our gorgeous City and why you should film here, by previewing our Film Prospectus. 

Film Prospectus

What do I need to know?

Initial enquiries should be made either by phone or email to the City’s Venue Support Services team on (08) 9781 0383 or On receipt of your initial enquiry, we will respond in a timely manner.

Once we’ve helped you to find the best location for your film shoot and confirmed availability, our application process is relatively straight forward. We require a completed Film and Photography Application to be submitted, we will then come back to you with a request for remaining information as it applies. You can use the request for information as a check list to work through and you’re always welcome to ask as many questions along the way as needed.

In order to make an application, this is some of the information/documents you’ll need to provide:

  • Details of the applicant
  • A brief explanation of what you are proposing
  • Proposed dates and times (including contingencies for weather etc)
  • Proposed locations (including site maps)
  • What places/spaces you need
  • Number of people involved in the production
  • Details of required road closures or traffic management
  • Use of aircraft or drones
  • Proof of current insurances
  • Risk and safety management plans

More information may be requested once your application has been received. 

For simple applications for filming which do not have impact on traffic or pedestrians, please allow 5 business days for processing.

For complex applications which require traffic management planning or significant pedestrian management, please allow 10 business days for processing.

Submit a Filming & Photography Application

Please download our Filming and Photography Application form and email it back to

Filming and Photography Application

Connect with other Services

Service Providers

For information around other service providers, the below links will assist in helping filmmakers connect with local trades and businesses:

Filming on DBCA Land

Some areas within the City fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and you may need to make a separate application to More information is available on the the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions website

Cultural Contacts 

Filmmakers are asked to contact the Undalup Association for information about working with our local Indigenous community.

Undalup Association Incorporated

PO Box 985



Got something you would like to share?

Do you have something that would be film worthy? A fantastic location, a great prop or an interesting vehicle?

If you would like to be added to register of film assets in the region, please fill out your details below, and if you have a photo please upload it. Please note, these details will only be shared with prospective film makers.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
I agree for my details to be provided to prospective film makers. I will advise the City of Busselton if I wish to withdraw my asset from the register.*This field is required.

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Are you using a drone?

To keep people, property and the environment around you safe, it's essential you know the rules that apply to you - visit CASA for more information. If you are flying a drone for commercial purposes you may be required to complete a Filming and Photography application.


Related Information

Flying Drones

About the City

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