Outdoor Exercise Permits

The City seeks to encourage and support recreation and leisure oriented businesses and can provide outdoor exercise permits for selected City managed reserves. Outdoor Exercise Permits

A six (6) or twelve (12) month Permit is available.  

Zone 1 - 12 Months $922.00

Zone 1 - 6 Months   $461.00

Zone 2 - 12 Months $696.00

Zone 2 - 6 Months   $346.00

To secure your booking you will need to complete and submit the on-line Outdoor Exercise Permit Application Form (link below).

You will be required to attach a copy of your Public Liability Insurance certificate and approved qualification documents.  Conditions of Use are located at the top of the Outdoor Exercise Permit Application Form.

Please ensure you read the ‘Personal Training and Commercial Group Fitness Guidelines’ document to ensure you are adhering to fitness industry standards of service, care and safety.  This covers Approved Training Areas, Exclusion Zones, Permissible Fitness Activities, Hours of Operation and Conditions of Permit holders.

Once your application has been processed and payment received, your Outdoor Exercise Permit will be issued and classes can commence. 

Please review the Outdoor Exercise Sites Maps documents for correct site number and location.

Please direct any queries to our Venue Support Services Team Email:  bookings@busselton.wa.gov.au

Related Information

Outdoor Exercise Permit Application Form

Personal Training and Commercial Group Fitness Guidelines

Outdoor Exercise Sites

OEP Sites Maps 

Events Impacting Sports

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