Grow Your Business

Consider the following opportunities and options when growing your business within the City of Busselton.

Town Centre Activation and Placemaking

Town centre activation and place-making is one of the focus areas identified in the City of Busselton Economic Development Strategy (2022 – 2027).

To address this focus area, the City initiated the Place Project in 2019. As part of this, community members, city centre business and property owners and City Councillors and staff worked together at a series of Place Project workshops to consider what makes a great place and how by working together this can be achieved.

Following these conversations, the Building Busselton Town Team was established while the Dunsborough Districts Progress Association continues to be an active community group for the Dunsborough area.

Building Busselton Town Team - ‘Building Busselton’ 

The Building Busselton Town Team is a venture to create activity in the Busselton City Centre. Consisting of a group of community and retailers who want to work together to create events and initiatives that will lead to a vibrant and attractive town centre.

Some key initiatives that the Building Busselton team have been involved in include:

  • Be Seen in Busso’ - This is a digital activation to showcase Busselton, using locals to promote their favourite hangout areas of our City Centre.
  • Busselton Street Art Project – Creating a series of murals with community input. The murals are located on the laneway wall in the space behind the Reject Shop in Busselton (between Kent and Prince Street) that will create a vibrant space. This project is in partnership with the Building Busselton Town Team, City of Busselton and Busselton Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Dunsborough Districts Progress Association (DDPA) 

Dunsborough Districts Progress Association’s mission is to serve the interests of the Dunsborough community and to make a difference. Using the principles of placemaking, DDPA are working to see a revitalisation of Hannay Lane and the Dunsborough City Centre.

Small Business Friendly Initiative

The City of Busselton is taking part in the Small Business Friendly initiative. The initiative introduced by the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) aims to recognise local government authorities in Western Australia that are committed to actively supporting small businesses in their local area.

The City of Busselton is committed to supporting our local small business community by:

  • recognising it as an important stakeholder and consulting regularly
  • understanding how small businesses operate, their needs, goals and key challenges
  • providing clear service standards, setting out what we will do to support local business
  • giving clear advice and guidance to help business owners meet their regulatory obligations
  • regularly reviewing our policies to check for ‘small business friendliness’
  • taking reasonable action to limit unnecessary administrative burdens
  • ensuring prompt payment of small business invoices
  • providing networking and other development opportunities for local business owners
  • regularly meeting with and consulting members of the local small business community to improve our understanding of their needs
  • managing disputes in a timely and cost effective manner

Alfresco/Outdoor Dining

The City recognises that outdoor eating areas (alfresco dining) can make a significant contribution to the vitality and ambience of public places. They offer opportunities for social interaction or quiet reflection while helping to stimulate the local business economy. If you would like to find out more about alfresco dining, please visit our page on Trading in Public Places.  


As a business owner, you must ensure that your property’s signage and advertising complies with the City’s Portable Advertising Signs in Public Places Policy.

Signs play a big part in any streetscape and landscape and poor signage can damage the quality of the environment and aesthetics of an area. As a local business owner we need your cooperation to ensure that the City of Busselton landscapes remain tidy and attractive to all. 

Is approval needed for signs?

Yes, most signs and advertising require a permit including:

  • A or T frame signs, horizontal and vertical banner signs
  • Variable message signs that promote or advertise a business, commercial venture, sporting event, community event, community group or community service.

Signs not requiring a permit include signs for garage sales or home open signs, however, there are restrictions on the number of signs, locations and size, please check the policy for further detail. 

Tourism Signage

The City of Busselton is currently undertaking review of its tourism directional signage and is working with neighbouring councils to develop a consistent approach to tourism directional signage.

You can view the Tourism Directional Information Signage Policy here. 

Doing Business with the City

Are you a contractor or supplier? Are you interested in doing business with the City? Visit our Tender and procurement opportunities page

The City of Busselton uses an online quotation tool called VendorPanel e-Quotes. VendorPanel makes it easier to engage with local suppliers and the open market, increases governance and transparency in our quotation processes.

A key feature of VendorPanel e-Quotes is an online directory of suppliers called VendorPanel Marketplace.  VendorPanel Marketplace will be used by City officers for quotes above $5,000 and when there is no preferred or pre-qualified supplier arrangement in place.

Register for VendorPanel. 

Current Retail Trading Hours

Approved - Permanent Extension - Retail Trading Hours for the City of Busselton Local Government District: 

Monday to Sunday from 8.00am to 9.00pm inclusive of ALL Public Holidays (including Good Friday, ANZAC Day and Christmas Day).

To find out more visit - Regional trading hours variations | Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety 

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