Local Laws

The City of Busselton has a number of local laws that govern and regulate activities throughout the City. These local laws have the status of legislation and are enforceable by the City. 

Activities in Thoroughfares & Public Places & Trading Local Law

Purpose: To consolidate and make one law relating to activities in thoroughfares and trading in thoroughfares and public places.

Effect:  Some activities are prohibited and some activities are permitted only under permit on thoroughfares and public places.

Activities in Thoroughfares & Public Places & Trading Local Law

Airport Local Law

Purpose: To provide for the regulation, control and management of the Busselton Regional Airport.

Effect: To establish the requirements relating to regulation, control and management of the Busselton Regional Airport

Airport Local Law

Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 

Purpose: To make provisions about the organisation, establishment, maintenance and equipment of bush fire brigades.

Effect: Bush fire brigades are created in accordance with the Bush Fires Act 1954.

Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2023

Cats Local Law Consolidated

Purpose: To repeal the City of Busselton Local Law relating to the Keeping and Welfare of Cats and to provide Council under the proposed City of Busselton Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2013 with measures in addition to those under the Cat Act 2011 to control the keeping of cats.

Effect: To control the number of cats that can be kept and places where cats can be kept.

Cats Local Law Consolidated

Cemeteries Local Law Consolidated

Purpose: To repeal Busselton Cemeteries By-Law and to extend to the Council the control which exists under the Cemeteries Act 1986 over the cemeteries vested under the care, control and management of the City of Busselton.

Effect: To provide the Council, in respect of the cemeteries vested under the care, control and management of the City of Busselton, with controls and regulatory measures for prescribing the areas set aside for burials and placement of ashes, types of memorials permitted in different areas of the cemeteries, specifications and materials for memorials, licensing of monumental masons and management of funerals and burials. Offences are created for non-compliance with certain provisions of the local law.

Cemeteries Local Law Consolidated

Dogs Local Law 2023

Purpose: To repeal the Dogs Local Law of 2014 and make provisions about dogs which are permitted under the Dog Act 1976.

Effect: To provide Council with controls and regulatory measures in relation to matters such as the impounding of dogs, to control the number of dogs that can be kept on premises and the manner of keeping those dogs.

Dogs Local Law 2023

Dogs Local Law Consolidated

Purpose: To repeal the City of Busselton Dog Bylaws 1991 and to extend to Council the controls over dogs which exist under the Dog Act 1976.

Effect: To provide Council with controls and regulatory measures in relation to impounding of dogs, the number of dogs that can be kept, establishment of approved kennels and the manner in which dogs are to be confined by the occupier of a premises. Offences are created for allowing a dog to excrete on specified areas (unless the excreta are removed) and for non-compliance with certain other provisions of the local law.

Dogs Local Law Consolidated

Dust and Building Control Local Law

Purpose: To provide for the regulation, control and management of dust, sand drift, rubbish and litter, on building sites, extractive industries and subdivisions on land within the district so as to protect the amenity of the district.

Effect: To establish the requirements relating to dust, sand drift, rubbish and litter control on building sites, extractive industries and subdivisions on land within the district.

Dust and Building Control Local Law

Health Local Law

Purpose: To provide for current and effective local health laws in regard to the administration and control of health standards and conditions within the City of Busselton.

Effect:  The Health by-law 1997 has effect in regard to the control of the following: Sanitation; Housing: Waste Food and Refuse; Nuisances; pest Control; Infectious Disease; Food Premises; Lodging Houses; and Offensive Trade.

Health Local Law

Holiday Homes Local Law

Please note, this local law is no longer operative. Through section 47 of the new State Government Short-term Rental Accommodation Act 2024, local laws which attempt to provide a registration scheme for holiday homes are of no effect. Therefore, this local law is no longer being used. For further information in relation to Holiday Homes generally, please see the Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation page >>

Purpose: To provide measures for regulating the registration and management of holiday homes within the City of Busselton to complement planning controls.

Effect: Regulating the registration and management of holiday homes within the City of Busselton on an ongoing and day to day basis.

Holiday Homes Local Law

Jetties Local Law

Purpose: To regulate the care, control and management of the Busselton Jetty and swimming jetty and the waters within Lot 350, Busselton.

Effect: To control the use of and behaviour on the Busselton Jetty and swimming jetty and the waters within Lot 350, Busselton. Written approval from the local government is required for certain activities and some activities are restricted or prohibited. Offences are created for non-compliance with certain provisions. The local government may close the jetties or sections thereof under certain circumstances.

Jetties Local Law

Parking Local Law

Purpose: to regulate and control the movement and parking of vehicles throughout the district.

Effect: to provide a well-regulated parking environment for all persons in the district.

Parking Local Law

Property Local Law Consolidated

Purpose: To regulate the care, control and management of all property of the local government except thoroughfares.

Effect: To control the use of local government property. Some activities are permitted only under a permit or under a determination and some activities are restricted or prohibited. Offences are created for inappropriate behaviour in or on local government property.

Property Local Law

Standing Orders Local Law

Purpose: To provide the rules and guidelines which apply to the conduct of meetings of the Council and its committees.

Effect: To ensure better decision-making by the Council and committees; the orderly conduct of meetings dealing with Council business; better understanding of the process of conducting meetings; and the more efficient and effective use of time at meetings.

Standing Orders Local Law

Waste Local Law

Purpose: The purpose of the local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of activities and issues relating to waste collection, recycling, reuse and disposal within the district.

Effect: The effect of the local law is to control activities and manage influences on waste collection, recycling, reuse and disposal within the district.

Waste Local Law

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