Road Works - Bussell Highway (between Travellers Well Street and Macintyre Street)
Published on Friday, 14 March 2025 at 3:14:44 PM
Road works will be taking place on Bussell Highway between Travellers Well and Macintyre Street from the end of March 2025 with completion expected by June (Subject to weather).
Works hours will be between 7.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding the Easter long weekend and ANZAC Day public holiday).
There will be a combination of single lane closures with shuffle flow and local road detours, however, we strongly encourage the use of Bussell Bypass. Please try and avoid the area during working hours to minimise traffic congestion.
Outside of working hours (including weekends) BOTH lanes will be open for use as per normal.
Temporary traffic management measures will be in place during working hours.
These works include road widening, road resurfacing, cycleway upgrades and footpath upgrades that will result in improved cycleway and footpath connectivity.
A new off-road shared path will also be constructed between Ray Avenue and Harvest Road.
Please slow down and show caution around any works taking place.
Road users should expect delays and the recommended alternative route is via Bussell Hwy – Busselton Bypass – Fairway Drive.
This project is the final stage of our current five-year program to upgrade the Bussell Highway between Dolphin Road and Macintyre Street, which is proudly co-funded by the Main Roads WA Regional Road Group program.
The City apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks you for your cooperation and understanding over this time.
To view more Council works and projects in the City, please visit our Near Me map.
For technical enquiries about these works, please contact Carbone Bros Pty Ltd on (08) 9726 1178. For any other enquiries, please contact the City of Busselton at or (08) 9781 0444.

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