Sculpture by the Bay Prize Announcement

Published on Friday, 9 December 2022 at 12:48:00 PM

Since 2012, the City has been growing Dunsborough’s public art collection through an acquisitive prize at Sculpture by the Bay. When the 2022 event was cancelled, Councillors committed to rolling the prize over to the following year. The City is pleased to announce that in 2023 there will be two prizes of $10,000 each.

Each year the acquisitive prize winner’s artwork is installed around the town and along the foreshore of Dunsborough. Now in its 11th year, an interesting art trail has been developed. Recently new plaques with the names of the artist, the artwork and the year were installed.

“Choosing the artwork each year is very difficult – and since I have been a judge for the City’s prize, I have noticed that the quality of the entries has grown significantly. The artwork we have selected ranges from whimsical recycled materials like that of Greg Gelmi, to timber by Greg Banfield and the delightful set of steel Kookaburra and Magpie Faceoff by Tony Pankiw,” said Mayor Grant Henley.

The winning artists have included local sculptors Voytek Kozlowski and Kashmir Rouw, as well as other southwest artists like James Horsley, Simon James and Kane Bluegum.

“This is an exciting surprise for the artists who have submitted their entries, and it really shows the City’s commitment to Sculpture by the Bay. This year we have a record number of sculptures and we look forward to seeing them all installed,” says Chris Harding, one of the sculpture event coordinators.

Sculpture by the Bay is part of the Dunsborough & Districts Progress Association Dunsborough Arts Festival, and is proudly sponsored by the City of Busselton. The outdoor exhibition will be held on the foreshore in the town from 4th – 6th March in 2023.

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes Lifestyle: A place that is relaxed, safe and friendly with services and facilities that support our lifestyle.


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