Proposed 2024-2025 Rate Increases to be Advertised

Published on Friday, 14 June 2024 at 4:00:00 AM

In preparation for the adoption of its 2024-2025 budget, the City is proposing a rate increase for all rating categories (excluding Holiday Homes) of 7% for the 2024-2025 financial year. This is inclusive of a 1% allocation to a new reserve fund for the purpose of paying for future sport and recreation provision, something that is a clear community priority. 

For Holiday Homes the City is proposing an additional increase to support ongoing management and compliance functions in relation to holiday homes, with a total average increase of 15.12%.  Introduction of the State Government’s Short Term Rental Accommodation reforms means the City’s own registration scheme will end by 1 January 2025.  The City is proposing to recover an estimated $200,000 of lost revenue through a higher differential rate for holiday homes. 

Providing for a draft budgeted expenditure of $154m, the rate increase is reflective of increases in the cost of contracts, materials, insurances and service provision being faced by all local governments, coupled with the impacts of lower than CPI rating over the past four years, including a 0% increase in 2020/2021 due to impacts of COVID.

City of Busselton CEO Tony Nottle stated: “We fully understand the current cost of living pressures the community are facing, but unfortunately the City is also experiencing those same pressures when funding the delivery of a wide range of projects and services for residents. Developing a balanced budget is always complicated, with many competing demands and increases in the cost of service delivery due to current market conditions. On top of that, the City is still playing catch up following the last 4 years of comparatively low rate increases, having rated 6.7% below CPI and 2.8% below its own long term financial plan forecasts.”             

Mr Nottle added: “The City has a large number of community assets to continually maintain – buildings, parks, reserves, ovals, playgrounds, roads, footpaths, drainage, coastal infrastructure and more. This is in addition to all of our much-loved community facilities, events, services and programs. Critically, we are also planning for future infrastructure development to support our growing population, so we need to put some money aside to ensure we can meet those future needs while ensuring we continue to maintain a high standard of daily service delivery in line with the expectations of our community.”

Ratepayers and electors may make submissions in writing until the close of the advertising period at 4.30pm on Wednesday 10th July 2024. All submissions will be considered when preparing the final 2024-2025 budget for adoption by the Council.

Submissions may be sent by email to or by mail to Locked Bag 1, Busselton WA 6280.

 For general information about how rates are calculated, please see the Rates FAQs page on the City’s website: Rates FAQs » City of Busselton


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