Environmental protection works along Geographe Bay coastline

Published on Thursday, 31 October 2024 at 11:07:06 AM

The City of Busselton will soon be delivering a wide range of coastal strengthening projects at multiple locations along the Geographe Bay coastline during November, February and March. Works will include upgrade of sections of footpaths to double as levees, dune stabilisation and planting of new vegetation to be undertaken with the onset of winter. 

At its October meeting, the City of Busselton Council awarded tenders to local businesses BCP Contractors Pty Ltd and Earth and Stone WA to undertake this program of works at various locations. 

Mayor Phill Cronin said “The City has been successful in securing federal grants worth several million dollars to deliver a significant program of works in response to the ongoing risks of coastal erosion. To determine the projects which will offer the greatest protection, some of this grant funding has been used to undertake marine tide monitoring, annual coastal mapping and sourcing advice from expert coastal engineers.” 

“This is another step forward for the City in delivering protection for the City of Busselton and mitigating the risks that coastal communities can experience with storms and sea level rise” he said. 

The funding has been received from the Australian Government’s National Emergency Management Agency ‘Preparing Australian Communities Program’ to deliver projects totalling $3,532,500. The City has contributed matching funding as required through the grant agreement and to ensure optimal solutions can be delivered for the City of Busselton’s community. 

There will be no works undertaken during the December and January tourism season, so residents and beach users will continue to have full enjoyment of the City’s beaches at this time. 

For further information about the City’s program of coastal works, view the City's coastal management page

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Council Plan (2024 - 2034) Key Theme Environment – An environment that is valued, conserved and able to be enjoyed by current and future generations.

Photo for general use: Environmental protection works – Stage 1 Broadwater

Ends. Media enquiries can be directed to pr@busselton.wa.gov.au

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