End to shark fishing from the Busselton Jetty

Published on Tuesday, 24 September 2024 at 12:47:47 PM

The State Government has put in place restrictions to stop shark fishing from the Busselton Jetty and all nearshore waters (within 800m from shore) along the Busselton foreshore (between the Vasse Diversion Drain and the Georgette Street boat ramp) will come into effect from 1 October.

Recreational line fishing from the Busselton Jetty, without the use of wire trace, is not impacted and people will still be able fish for popular angling species like herring and squid.

Through a community consultation survey that ran in March 2024, over 1,700 responses were received, 65% supported the prohibition in this location, 25% were against, with 10% indifferent. The feedback was provided to the Minister for Fisheries who then approved the wire trace restrictions to the area.

Fisheries are responsible for enforcement of compliance, however the City will implement signage in appropriate locations on the foreshore which will include QR codes for community to report any identified concerns. Ranger staff will also provide community with information sheets which they will actively distribute to recreational users of this. Further information on shark recreational fishing >> 

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