Published on Thursday, 16 May 2024 at 10:41:32 AM
At its meeting last night, 15 May 2024 the City of Busselton Council made the decision to move forward with identifying a location for a new District Leisure and Recreation Centre. In addition, the City will undertake a detailed feasibility study to confirm the scope, cost and potential funding sources for the development of this new facility.
Mayor Phill Cronin said, “Council is planning for the long term future and determined that the best way forward would be to look for a new location to construct a purpose-built facility for the future, ensuring accessibility for everyone in the community. The City of Busselton’s Sport and Recreational Facilities Strategy 2020-2030 also provides a long term strategy to inform, guide and underpin the planning and provision of indoor and outdoor community sporting and recreation facilities to meet existing and future needs of the district, so Council is actively driving this agenda forward.”
Mayor Cronin added, “The current Geographe Leisure Centre location is heavily constrained with rare flora in the surrounding bushland and limited parking. It is also adjacent to a residential area. There would be multiple issues and costs associated with re-engineering this site to deliver a whole new District Leisure and Recreation Centre, plus it could mean an extended closure of all or part of the existing facility, so it was not deemed to be a suitable location.”
The City’s Sport and Recreational Facilities Strategy 2020-2030 is the result of comprehensive analysis incorporating demographic data, industry trends, review of relevant policies, plans and strategies and extensive community engagement. Council’s Strategic Community Plan also contains a strategic priority to provide well planned sport and recreation facilities to support healthy and active lifestyles.
It is anticipated that the initial work to identify possible options for a new site will be completed towards the end of 2024, with further detailed analysis to be undertaken in 2025.
Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes Lifestyle: A place that is relaxed, safe and friendly with services and facilities that support our lifestyle.
Photo for general use: GLC - Credit In Sight Photography where possible.
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