City of Busselton Council calls for Main Roads Briefing

Published on Thursday, 30 January 2025 at 2:34:29 PM

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 29 January 2025, the City of Busselton Council made a decision to request Main Roads WA to provide a briefing on their approach to assessing roads within the City, specifically in relation to the proposed Vasse-Dunsborough link and in recognition of the expected increase in traffic volumes.

Mayor Cronin said: “This suggestion was moved at the meeting and was unanimously supported by all Elected Members. Our goal is to understand how Main Roads WA will be planning major road infrastructure in the district into the future, and to see what road safety and economic ratings they will be applying when making decisions.”

“While we understand that there are multiple factors that influence decisions about road speeds and other types of road safety measures, the Council is eager to find ways to minimise or avoid unpopular and environmentally damaging measures, such as tree removal. Safety is of critical importance to all of us, but we want to see a holistic and strategic approach rather than just relying on those measures that don’t meet community expectations” he said.

Also as part of this decision, the Council specifically wants to hear from Main Roads WA about their plans to build a direct link from Vasse to Dunsborough to alleviate pressure on local roads.

The City’s population is currently forecast to increase to 91,261 by 2051, so the request to the State Government is considered timely as Council considers how to best balance the increased volume of traffic on local roads with environmental protection goals over the next few years.

To view the debate, you can watch a recording of the meeting on the City’s YouTube channel.

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Council Plan (2024 - 2034) Key Theme Leadership – We actively engage with community to deliver visionary, collaborative and accountable leadership.

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