City of Busselton Council Adopts Ten Year Long Term Financial Plan

Published on Thursday, 30 January 2025 at 2:43:15 PM

At its meeting on 29 January 2025, the City of Busselton Council adopted a new Long Term Financial Plan to guide the City’s strategic planning and to assist the Council to meet its strategic objectives over the next ten years (2025/26 – 2034/35).

The new plan, which will be reviewed annually, provides a high-level forecast of the City’s expected operating and capital needs over the next ten years.

Mayor Phill Cronin said: “The continued provision of sport and recreation infrastructure is clearly a key priority for our community and remains a key strategic focus for the City, with $111 million of capital expenditure forecast over the ten years. This includes provisions for land acquisition and the construction of a new District Sport and Recreation Centre in the latter years of the plan.”

Expenditure on new facilities is forecast in years one, three and four. A total of $38.4 million will be generated through transfers of rates income to a dedicated Sport and Recreation Facilities Reserve, with the City also being reliant on grant funding and loan borrowings to fund major projects.

Looking after the City’s current assets also remains a high priority for the City, with $214 million forecast to be invested in asset renewal of infrastructure and buildings. This will ensure safe roads, footpaths and cycleways, as well as well maintained public facilities, parks and playgrounds.

“The City of Busselton continues to be one of the fastest growing regions in Australia. To meet our community’s expectations, particularly for new sport and recreation investment, whilst also ensuring there is sufficient funding for ongoing asset management and provision of quality services, rates revenue is forecast to increase above CPI in 2025/26 and 2026/27. However, rates revenue is forecast to increase at more moderate levels for the remainder of the plan” said Mayor Cronin.

Overall, the Long Term Financial Plan provides the Council with sound financial guidance for the achievement of future priorities identified within its recently adopted Council Plan.

Mayor Cronin said: “As a key planning document it has been developed based on current information, knowledge and Council Plan priorities, and will be reviewed and adjusted annually to incorporate new and updated information.”

To view the new Long Term Financial Plan, please visit the City’s website here>>

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Council Plan (2024 - 2034) Key Theme Leadership – We actively engage with community to deliver visionary, collaborative and accountable leadership.


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