‘Boots for Youth’ initiative providing safety work boots for young workers

Published on Friday, 19 July 2024 at 4:14:57 PM

  • ‘Boots for Youth’ initiative aims to provide safety equipment to young workers aged 14 to 24 to support their employment and training.
  • Coordinated by the City of Busselton’s Youth Services Team with donations received from Rio Tinto, APEX and Men’s Shed.

As young individuals embark on their journey into the workforce, ensuring they have access to the necessary Personal Protective Equipment to perform their job is paramount. Sponsored by the City of Busselton, Rio Tinto, APEX and Men’s Shed, the ‘Boots for Youth’ initiative aims to equip young workers aged 14 to 24 with high quality safety work boots to help them get their careers underway. 

Young workers often face unique challenges as they transition from education to employment. While safeguarding feet from potential injury is crucial, the cost of safety work boots can be prohibitive for young people entering the workforce. The ‘Boots for Youth’ program ensures that each participant receives durable, comfortable and certified safety boots. These boots meet industry standards and provide essential protection to those wearing them. 

The City’s Youth Services team has been coordinating the program enabling donation and distribution of high quality work boots to young people needing them for work. Rio Tinto have already provided 20 pairs to the cause and these have been given to young people to support them as they start out. APEX has provided a generous donation, along with a pledge to continue to support the initiative. Busselton Men’s Shed has kindly donated their time, materials and skills to make a boot box for locals to drop spare good quality safety boots into at the Youth and Community Activities Building on the Busselton foreshore. 

Mayor Phill Cronin said, “The ‘Boots for Youth’ initiative has already made a significant impact with over 20 young workers having received safety work boots since its inception. We’ve received some positive feedback from recipients, saying they feel a sense of security and are more confident on the job.” 

“Together it is hoped we can empower the next generation of our workforce with the right tools to kick start a safe and successful working career. Any contribution towards this cause, either through direct funding or donations of good quality safety work boots, would be greatly appreciated. I encourage our community to spread the word about this wonderful initiative through their networks, schools, friends and family and more importantly, to those who will benefit from a pair of safety work boots.” 

For more information, email youth@busselton.wa.gov.au 

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes Opportunity: A vibrant City with diverse opportunities and a prosperous economy.


Photo for general use: L-R: City of Busselton Youth Development Trainee – Adia McMahon and Youth Development Supervisor - Angela Griffin; Rio Tinto General Manager HSEC - Claire Somerville-Brown and Vice President HSEC Pilbara Iron - Cecile Thaxter; and Anglicare WA – Sue Riccelli.


Ends. Media enquiries can be directed to pr@busselton.wa.gov.au

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