Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Artwork Competition

Published on Tuesday, 15 August 2023 at 1:28:00 PM

During NAIDOC Week and the month of July, the City held an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Artwork Competition. Nearly 60 awesome entries were received from primary and high schools across the district. 

The entries were of a very high standard making the choosing the winner very difficult. There were three categories for the winners. First Place judged by Mayor Grant Henley, Aboriginal Community Development Officer Thelma Harris and Jacquie Happ, Cultural Development Officer. The winner’s artwork will be featured in the next staff uniform.

The City thanks all students who submitted artwork. The themes that they chose show their keen interest of the Country they live on, and the importance of the ocean. Cultural themes were also explored. The City would particularly like to thank the schools Aboriginal Education and arts teachers for their support of the students who submitted artworks.

The first prize winner is Archie Whiteland from Dunsborough Primary School. His artwork is “The Ocean and the Land.” Archie won a City of Busselton Prize Pack and a $200 voucher to Jacksons Drawing Supplies

The People’s Choice Award winner is Daisy Chan from Dunsborough Primary School. Her picture is called “Ocean and Earth.” Daisy wins a $100 voucher to Jackson’s Drawing Supplies and a City of Busselton Prize Pack. There were over 150 votes in this category, and the voting was very close in the top five artworks.

Each year the City is invited by the WA Local Government Association to submit an artwork to Showcase in Pixels. This is a digital exhibition of selected artworks from Councils around the state displayed in Yagan Square during Local Government Week. The City have submitted Ciara William’s artwork “My Land by the Sea,” because of its bright colours and message. Fingers crossed it is selected for display! Ciara has won a $50 to Kmart and a City of Busselton Prize Pack.

Ends. Media enquiries can be directed to pr@busselton.wa.gov.au 

Pictured: Mayor Grant Henley, First Place Winner Daisy Chan and Dunsborough Primary School Principal Taylor Webb

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes Leadership: A Council that connects with the community and is accountable in its decision making.


Archie Whiteland - The Ocean and the Land

Daisy Chan - Ocean and Earth

Ciara Williams - My Land by the Sea

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