Marri Reserve Update - Bushfire Recovery

Published on Monday, 24 February 2025 at 3:55:24 PM

Following the recent fire, Marri Reserve is temporarily closed for safety reasons and to allow the vegetation to recover. The vegetation that grows in the reserve is rich and diverse and supports many native fauna including the critically endangered Black Cockatoo and Western Ringtail Possum. It also contains two threatened ecological plant communities. Given time, the vegetation will come back, however, it is in a very fragile state now.
Please respect the temporary signs and fencing – all entrances are now blocked to help the vegetation bounce back. We kindly ask those who usually walk through the reserve to find alternative routes during this time.
Wildlife Safety - The Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions has surveyed the area for any remaining wildlife in need of care. If you spot injured wildlife, please do not enter the reserve and instead, report it immediately to the Wildcare Hotline at 9474 9055.
Western Ringtail Possums are likely seeking shelter in surrounding residential areas. These animals are now outside their usual habitat and vulnerable to predation. Pet owners are urged to keep pets indoors or contained within yards and catios to help protect both pets and wildlife. For more information, visit the Geocatch website. If you're near the reserve and want to assist, you can install a possum drey (home) in your backyard to support the ringtail possums. Instructions are available on the Geocatch website. Possum dreys should not be installed in the reserve. If and when appropriate this action will be guided by the Recovery Team. 
Recovery in Progress - A Marri Reserve Recovery Team is being formed to guide the recovery of the area, addressing key issues like weed management, feral animal control, and access. We’re calling on the community to assist by keeping out of the reserve and ensuring pets are kept indoors.
If you would like to be involved in recovery and join the Friends of Marri Reserve, please contact City Environment Officers on 9781 0444.
Burnt trees in the Marri Reserve after the February bushfire

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