Dunsborough Lakes Sporting Precinct Pavilion Location Confirmed

Published on Thursday, 21 March 2024 at 10:35:24 AM

Following lengthy and detailed consultation with multiple sporting clubs, the Dunsborough Lakes Sporting Precinct is set to receive a new multi-sport pavilion for the enjoyment of all users. 

Initially earmarked as part of the plan for the new Precinct, this pavilion will be built to serve the Dunsborough sporting community for years to come. Several options were considered and assessed as part of the process, but with the support of the majority of clubs using the precinct, Council confirmed its commitment to the preferred location at their meeting on 20 March 2024. 

Mayor Phill Cronin said, “We are delighted to be moving into the final stage of our plans for the Dunsborough Lakes Sporting Precinct. The consultation process has been comprehensive, involving several workshops, pop-up information stalls and a community survey attracting 372 responses. This in in addition to previous work undertaken with the community to develop the overarching Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy, from which this project has been a key priority.” 

Mayor Cronin commended the clubs and staff who have worked together over several years to map out the best way forward. “I would like to thank the various clubs who gave so much time to provide the necessary input to enable us to arrive at this outcome. I look forward to seeing the construction of this new pavilion taking place later this year”, said Mayor Cronin. 

The Dunsborough Lakes Sporting Precinct Pavilion will mark the completion of the first priority project within the City’s 10 year Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy 2020-2030 which was adopted by Council in May 2020. Project information >>

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes Lifestyle: A place that is relaxed, safe and friendly with services and facilities that support our lifestyle.

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Photo provided for general use: Aerial of Dunsborough Lakes Sporting Precinct:

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