Waste Education

G - Great
Gift items to charity, swap or sell.
R - Recycle
Recycle just these 5 things: paper, cardboard, cans, plastic and glass.
E - Earth-Cycle
Reduce your waste to landfill by composting your food scraps and garden waste at home.
A - Avoid
The best thing we can do is to avoid creating waste in the first place. For example, you could choose nude food (no packaging) or use reusable items over single use ones such as bags, cups, bottles and straws.
T - Take
Take items that cannot be recycled at home or landfilled to designated drop-off points. These include batteries, light bulbs, e-waste such as phones, TVs, computer equipment and broken electrical items, and hazardous wastes such as chemicals, boat flares, gas canisters and paint.
Did You Know?
Western Australia produces almost 20% more waste annually than the national average. Let's all do our part to reduce our waste!
Waste Education Program
The City offers free waste education visits to schools, childcare facilities, educational organisations, community groups and businesses within the City of Busselton to promote waste reduction, recycling, and sustainability. The Recycling Education Officer conducts the sessions at your school or organisation, or we can book a venue space if required.
School & Early Learning Centre Programs
The City of Busselton waste education school program includes interactive activities that are age appropriate, and curriculum linked. We can adapt and customise the session/s to suit school lesson timetables and learning stages.
Our officer can also help the students with:
- conducting a waste audit
- organising a tour at one of the City’s waste facilities
- preparing an upcycling craft project
- or if you have an idea for a project you would like to implement in your neighbourhood, the broader community, or city-wide, our educator can help you and your students develop your idea further and come up with something far-reaching.
Students from Vasse Primary held a “Take 3 for the Sea” poster competition and with help from the City, turned the posters into wheelie bin signage that was used on public bins throughout the City.
For more information or to request a booking please contact the City's Recycling Education Officer at 08 9781 0317.
Community Groups
Community groups can also book free waste education talks on request. Our Recycling Education Officer has visited retirement groups, church groups, gardening groups, groups of general interested members of the community, rotary groups and others.
Topics include:
- Waste and Recycling – correct sorting
- Waste Minimisation / Zero Waste Lifestyle
- Plastic free living
- Sustainability
- Reducing and managing food waste
- Conducting a waste audit
For more information or to request a presentation please contact the City's Recycling Education Officer on 08 9781 0317.
The City’s Recycling Education Officer can provide your business with free personalised waste advice. Contact the City of Busselton on 08 9781 0317 to discuss.
Helpful Resources
- Containers for Change – WA’s container deposit scheme (10c refund for eligible beverage containers). A FREE fundraising toolkit is available to eligible organisations (including schools, community groups and charities).
- Reusable Cloth Nappy Workshop Series - Regularly run FREE City of Busselton workshops for those looking for a sustainable alternative to disposal nappies. To register your interest contact waste.edu@busselton.wa.gov.au.
- Plastic Free July - Plastic Free July aims to raise awareness of the problems with single-use disposable plastic and challenges people to do something about it. Choose to refuse single-use plastics this July.
- ShareWaste – A resource for connecting people who wish to recycle their kitchen scraps with their neighbours who are already composting, worm-farming or keep chickens.
- Treading My Own Path – A wonderful blog dedicated to sustainability and zero waste living.
- Story of Stuff – A great resource for learning more about consumption, waste and sustainability.
- Responsible Cafes – Find local cafes which offer a discount if you BYO coffee cup.
- Community Repair Co Op - Volunteer repairers will have a go at fixing your clothes and household items for a gold coin donation. Held at the St George's Family Centre, 48 Gibney St, Dunsborough on the last Saturday of every month (excl Dec) at 9am-11am.
- Signal Park Sellathon - Your annual reuse market event - Held in March each year.
- FEAST (Food Education and Sustainability Training) is a primary (yr 5/6) and high school (yr 7/8) curriculum-aligned program which explores the issue of food waste and its environmental impact, healthy eating and easy classroom cooking. FREE full curriculum package available including lessons, recipes, student workbook and access to teacher training and support.
Related Information
Sorting Your Waste
Construction & Demolition Waste Guidance
WA Plan for Plastics - June 2023-2025
Re-use Route Flyer
Community Reuse and Recycle Map