Wildlife & Sharks

Sick or Injured Wildlife

Phone the DBCA Wildcare Helpline on (08) 9474 9055

The Wildcare Helpline is a telephone referral service operated by volunteers on behalf of Parks and Wildlife Services (part of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions).

You can also download the Wildcare Helpline App for Apple or Android devices.

Contain the animal securely so that it does not injure itself further or injure you – use a towel or similar to pick it up and place in a secure, well ventilated box in a quiet, dark place. Do not feed the animal or give it water unless you have been advised to do so.

Be careful of teeth, claws, beaks etc. when approaching and handling wildlife. Although injured, animals can be very dangerous when frightened or stressed.

If you have found a non-native or domestic animal that is injured or wandering, contact the City of Busselton Rangers on (08) 9781 0444.

Fostering and Assistance for Wildlife Needing Aid (FAWNA)

FAWNA is a non-for-profit government approved wildlife and rehabilitation organisation for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. Operating in the South West of WA, it is run entirely by volunteers.

FAWNA can be contacted through the Wildcare Helpline or directly on 0438 526 660.

Dealing with Snakes and Other Reptiles

Snakes are an integral part of the natural environment and play an important part in wildlife ecosystems. In spring and summer, many reptiles emerge to bask in the sun.

For information visit Parks and Wildlife Services Dealing with Snakes.

The following groups provide care and rescue services for reptiles:


Report all shark sightings to the Water Police on 9442 8600.

Information regarding shark activity and warnings is available on the Shark Smart website.

Download the Shark Smart WA App to receive current shark activity advice and other beach safety information.

Rabbit and Foxes

Neither the City or Parks and Wildlife Services deal with sick or injured rabbits or foxes.

Take sick or injured rabbits or foxes to your local veterinary practice.

Related Information

Feral Animals and Pests

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