Commercial Activity Permit Application

Terms and Conditions

The following conditions will apply if the application is approved and a Commercial Activity Permit is issued.

  • Compliance with Council's Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law 2015;
  • The permit holder and their assistants are responsible for compliance with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997;
  • Unless otherwise approved, solicitation of customers by touting or the use of public address systems is prohibited;
  • Trading is only permitted in accordance with the above stated trading permit holder name, assistants, hours and days of trade at the location indicated and/or as depicted on the attached location map;
  • The permit holder must maintain the area in a clean and tidy condition at all times and is responsible for the disposal of litter and cleaning of footpaths;
  • The permit holder must only display or allow to be displayed any advertisement, placard, poster, streamer, sign or signboard that has been approved by the City through the Portable Business Sign process;
  • All vehicles and equipment must be maintained to a high standard;
  • A trader shall not park a vehicle or structure containing goods on any part of a thoroughfare so as to obstruct the movement of pedestrians or vehicles;
  • Trading is not permitted at approved locations during City approved events without additional approval;
  • Trading is not permitted within a distance of 300m of any permanent  place of business that has for sale any goods or services of the kind being offered for sale by the mobile trader;
  • The permit holder must maintain a minimum of $10 million Public Liability Insurance. The policy must be able to meet any possible claim which may be sustained against the permit holder or the City of Busselton in relation to the death or injury to any person or property arising out of any activity authorised by the permit.


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Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 14 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

Contact Information


Public Liability

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Application Fees

You will be invoiced a $162 (inc. GST) application fee when the City receives this application.

Annual Permit Fee

Please discuss your proposal with City Officers to determine the applicable class.
The permit fee can be charged on a pro-rata basis with a minimum period of one month. You will be invoiced this permit fee after approval of your application:
*This field is required.


I/ We declare that all details in this form are true and correct.*This field is required.

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