Online Form - Club Governance Award

Selection Criteria

NOTE: The selection criteria period for these awards runs from October 2022 to September 2023.

Club Governance Award

  • Have completed the City of Busselton Club Governance Program
  • Exhibit exemplary governance practices and effective management
  • Demonstrated transparent and accountable decision-making processes, strong leadership, sound financial management, adherence to ethical standards and regulations, effective communication strategies, inclusivity and diversity in club membership, volunteer management and support, commitment to the development and welfare of club members, and implementation of policies and procedures that promote fairness, safety, and sportsmanship

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Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 14 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

Nominee Information

Nomination Submitted By


Detail the nominated club’s commitment to governance practices, including strategic planning, financial management, volunteer recruitment and overall sustainable club management that has created a more welcoming and inclusive environment during the selection criteria period (500 words)

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