Event Sponsorship Program
The Events Sponsorship Program is for funding amounts over $1,000.
Major or hallmark events that occur on an annual basis may be offered a multi-year agreement, subject to negotiation.
Who can apply
Community Groups, Event Organisers
When to apply
Two rounds available:
- March (for events conducted 1 July – 30 June)
- September (for events conducted 1 January – 30 June)
To be included on the mailing list to be informed when the sponsorship round opens, please email events@busselton.wa.gov.au. For further information please contact the Events team on 08 9781 0444 or email: events@busselton.wa.gov.au
What funding is available
There are two streams of funding available to apply for, economic focused events and community focused events.
Economic focused events
Aim to bring visitation to the region and generate economic benefits as a result; provide significant media exposure and promotion of the City of Busselton and surrounding region.
Community focused events
Bring community together and provide free or low cost experiences and activities; strong social benefits; promotion of cultural diversity and inclusion.
How to apply
Please read the Event Sponsorship Guidelines prior to submitting an application. Please note, applications will only be accepted during an open Sponsorship Round.
Apply for the next available sponsorship round here
General event sponsorship guidelines
The Event Sponsorship Application will need to contain the following information:
- Details and objectives of the proposed event;
- Amount of sponsorship requested;
- Details of the organisation;
- Information relating to;
o economic impact;
o strategic alignment;
o community outcomes;
- Detailed event budget;
- City of Busselton recognition and return on investment.
Event Sponsorship Guidelines
Event sponsorship eligibility
The City of Busselton provides sponsorships that will:
- Build relationships with organisations that will help the City achieve the priorities listed in its Strategic Community Plan;
- Promote the City at a local, regional and international level, if applicable;
- Attract new events to the City;
- Provide economic benefit to the local business community;
- Provide opportunities for local community involvement.
For more information and to discuss a potential sponsorship application, please contact the City’s Events Team on 08 9781 0444.
Recent Recipients
At its meeting on 15 May 2024, Council approved funding for 35 events following a recommendation from the City’s Business Development, Events and Marketing Program Reference Group which has a role in assessing applications.
Single year funding allocation for a community focused event (2023/2024 Events Budget)

Funding allocations for community focused events funded from the 2024/2025 - 2026/2027 Events Budget

Funding allocations for economic focused events funded from the 2024/2025 - 2026/2027 Events Budget

Related Information
City of Busselton Events Strategy 2022