Interacting with Your Councillors

Contact all Councillors

If you want to contact all Councillors, simply email Alternatively, visit the Your Councillors page to access contact details for individual Councillors. If you want to write to all Councillors, send your letter to the City of Busselton, Locked Bag 1, Busselton, marked to the attention of all Councillors.  We will do the rest.

Community Access Sessions

Community Access Sessions (CAS) are held on the first Wednesday of the month, unless Council are in recess. Any topic that you are passionate about or you think needs to be heard is up for discussion.

View upcoming Community Access Sessions here

Public Agenda Presentations

Public Agenda Presentations (PAP) are held on the second Wednesday of the month, unless Council are in recess. PAP provides the opportunity for members of the community to present on items listed on the current agenda.

View upcoming Public Agenda Presentations here

Public Question Time

The City encourages public participation in its decision making process. Public Question Time is a dedicated part of each Council meeting for members of the public to ask questions.  Submitting your question ahead of time allows the City to more readily respond to your question.  A Public Question Time form can be found below. Questions may also be taken on notice.

Public Question Time Form

Presentations by Parties With An Interest

If there is a matter on the Council agenda that directly affects you, you can address Council during the meeting. Applicants, landowners, neighbours of affected properties, representatives of relevant community organisations or other stakeholders may all be eligible to speak.

Information on matters being considered at Council meetings is included in the agenda of each meeting.

Comment on a Specific Proposal

There’s always something happening at the City of Busselton. Your input is valuable and will help Council in their decision making. To provide feedback on current projects, activities and initiatives visit Community Consultations.


Any City of Busselton ratepayer, be it an individual or group, may petition the Council to take action on a matter. The City of Busselton Standing Orders Local Law sets out the requirements for preparing and presenting Petitions (Clause 6.9). It is important that anyone involved in preparing a Petition is familiar with the requirements.

For information on the best way to address the Council or prepare a Petition, contact Jo Barrett-Lennard, Governance Officer, on 08 9781 0338 or 

Petitions to Council

Related Information

Your Councillors

Council Minutes and Agendas

Community Consultations

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