Contact Us

The City of Busselton is committed to providing excellent services to our community. There are a number of ways to contact the City shown below.

Customer Service Centre

Phone: (08) 9781 0444 (Monday to Friday between 8.30am - 4.30pm). Our switchboard is open 24 hours for emergency purposes.

In person: City of Busselton Administration Building - 2 Southern Drive, Busselton, Western Australia.

Monday to Friday from 8.30am - 4.30pm (except public holidays). 

Postal address: City of Busselton, Locked Bag 1, BUSSELTON WA 6280


Send an Enquiry 

Please complete the form below if you have a general enquiry. If you wish to make a formal complaint, please go to our Complaints page. 

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Provide Feedback

To help us continually monitor and improve customer experiences, please tell us about your recent experience with us. 

Customer Experience Survey

Report a Problem

Please complete this form to report any issues relating to Council-owned infrastructure or request Council assistance. 

For urgent after hours enquiries, please phone the City 24 hour line on 08 9781 0444. 

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I have read and understood this form and to the best of my knowledge have provided true and correct information*This field is required.

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Change of Address/ Name/ Email

If you've had a change of address, name or email address please use this form to update your details with the City.

Please note that the "new email address" will be used to send you a confirmation of this form submission. 

Current Information

New Information

I am the owner/agent of the property and make the following Rate Notice declarations

Are all rate notices for the property to be sent to the new mailing address?
The new address is to apply to

I am a... (please tick all of the relevant options)

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I agree that the information is true and correct and that I am authorised to request these changes.*This field is required.

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If you've encountered a problem with the website or have any general feedback, please provide comment via this form.

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