Council publicises correspondence on Proposed Offshore Wind Area

Published on Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 10:48:05 AM

The City of Busselton Council has now publicised a range of correspondence sent to a number of politicians regarding the Federal Government’s Proposed Offshore Wind Area. 

Following concerns raised at a Special Electors Meeting held in April 2024, Council subsequently resolved to write to various Ministers to seek their position on the contentious proposals and to share community feedback with the Federal Minister, whose department was conducting the consultation process. All items of correspondence are now available for the community to read. 

Acting Mayor Anne Ryan stated, “The community has been extremely concerned about these proposals and the lack of tangible information provided through the consultation process. The feedback the Council received was that the consultation sessions themselves did not provide clarity or answers and were completely inadequate. As a result, our community still has a wide range of unresolved concerns.” 

“The City will continue to seek answers from the Federal Government and various State Government Ministers to seek their position on these proposals.” 

Some of the concerns raised through the letter sent to Federal Minister Chris Bowen included risks or impacts on the marine environment and impacts on business and our thriving local tourism industry. 

The correspondence sent formed part of the June Council Meeting agenda and is available here

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes Environment: An environment that is valued, conserved and enjoyed by current and future generations. 

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