Lower Vasse River staged approach of sediment removal continues

Published on Thursday, 18 April 2024 at 4:54:57 PM

The City of Busselton continues to work through its 6 staged-approach of sediment removal, established in 2022, with locations for each stage chosen based on water quality and priority in the Lower Vasse River.

The completion of the Stage 2 sediment removal in June 2023 saw approximately 670t of dry sediment removed. This sediment was laid to semi-dry in collection bags before being laid out on an Acid Sulphate Soils (AA) treatment pad at the Busselton Waste Transfer Station to treat and neutralise it. The City was then able to repurpose the sediment as daily cover at the Dunsborough Waste Facility.

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) continue to monitor the water in the river to ensure effectiveness of the current sediment removal program. It was found during Stages 1 and 2 that pH levels and the clarity of the water were kept within acceptable ranges throughout the works. This data assists City and DWER officers with ongoing evaluation of the program.

In April 2024 the City advertised a tender for Stage 3 of the sediment removal process and this tender will close on 8 May 2024. Stage 3 will focus on the part of the river near Strelly Street, Busselton to upstream of the river bend (refer to map below). The total budget for Stage 3 is $938,025, with $407,964 funded by the State Natural Resource Management Community Stewardship Program. 

In addition to sediment removal works, DWER have conducted a large-scale application of a phosphorus-binding clay (Phoslock) from the Causeway Road bridge, downstream to the pedestrian bridge. The results from this, plus the results from Stage 2 of sediment removal, will be presented to Council by DWER in June 2024.

The City of Busselton has also collaborated with DWER to develop a Water Treatment Assessment Framework ensuring decision-making on the management of the waterways (Lower Vasse River and Toby Inlet) is scientifically robust and evidence-based.

Work continues on waterways management and further updates will be provided when available.

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